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Some reminders about the game: Group one picks a dollar value and category. Group one picks a dollar value and category. Groups raise hand and make noise to answer. All hands go down. If they answer incorrectly, other teams can raise hand and make noise to steal. Groups raise hand and make noise to answer. All hands go down. If they answer incorrectly, other teams can raise hand and make noise to steal. When called upon for a response, remember to word your response in the form of a question. When called upon for a response, remember to word your response in the form of a question.
Stellar Lifestyle Tectonics Earth Science Earthquakes Moon!
Answer: (1:100) The longest stage of a star’s life, where it emits energy (light and heat). Question: What is the Main Sequence stage?
Answer: (1:200) Clouds of gas and dust in space; sometimes called a stellar nursery. Question: What is nebula?
Answer: (1:300) Question: What are gravity and thermal pressure? The two forces pushing against each other throughout the life of a star.
Answer: (1:400). Nuclear Fusion. Question: What is the process that releases energy by smashing together atoms in the dense, hot core of stars?
Question: What is oceanic crust? Answer: (2:100). The more dense type of earth’s crust.
Answer: (2:200) The type of boundary when two plates crash into each other Question: What is a convergent plate boundary ?
Answer: (2:300) Question: What are convection currents? The process that causes the tectonic plates to move.
Answer: (2:400) Two features formed where two ocean plates converge. Question: What is a volcanic island chain and ocean trench?
Answer: (3:100) Question: What is oceanic convergent?
Answer: (3:200) The 2 features formed at a continental divergent plate. Question: What is new oceans and a rift valley?
Answer: (3:300) The type of boundary that forms mountain ranges. Question: What is continental convergent ?
Answer: (3:400) The four layers of earth. Question: What are crust/lithosphere, mantle/asthenosphere, outer core, and inner core?
Answer: (4:100) Question: What?
Answer: (4:200) The letter at 100 E and 20 S. Question: What are atoms?
Answer: (4:300) Two types of waves that are measured during an earthquake. Question: What are primary (P) waves and secondary (S) waves?
Answer: (4:400) Four factors that can affect the destructiveness of an earthquake? Question: What are the location, preparedness, magnitude, population size, building codes, and building materials?
Answer: (5:100) The reason the moon is not a star. Question: What is the moon does not produce its own light ?
Answer: (5:200) The distance to the moon. Question: What is 274,000 miles?
Answer: (5:300) The gravitational pull on the moon, compared to Earth’s. Question: What is 1/6?
Answer: (5:400) A lunar eclipse. Question: What occurs when the earth is between the sun and moon, and the earth’s shadow falls on the moon?
Double Jeopardy! It’s time for...
Mish Mash Big BangEarthquakes Stupid questions Life and Death Of a star!
Answer: (1:200) The age of the universe. Question: What is 13.7 billion years?
Answer: (1:400) Edwin Hubble discovered this piece of evidence for the big bang. Question: What is galaxies are moving apart?
Answer: (1:600) Question: What is 32? The number of neutrons in an atom of Cobalt.
Answer: (1:800). Valence Electrons. Question: What is the quickest way to find valence electrons?
Question: The theory of cosmic evolution stating the universe began as a small singularity and then expanded!!!! Answer: (2:200). The Big Bang.
Answer: (2:400) Evidence that supported the idea that the universe is expanding. Question: What is Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, expanding universe, and amount of Hydrogen and Helium ?
Answer: (2:600) Question: What is Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation? Leftover energy from the beginning of the universe.
Answer: (2:800) One theory explaining how the universe might end. Question: What is the BIG CRUNCH?
Answer: (3:200) The name of this graph used to record earthquakes. Question: What is seismogram?
Answer: (3:400) The type of plate boundary known for its earthquakes; an example is the San Andreas fault in Cali. Question: What is transform boundary?
Answer: (3:600) The amplitude of this earthquake. Question: What is 90 mm ? Bb
Answer: (3:800) One element that would form a ionic bond with Oxygen. Question: What is Magnesium, Calcium, etc?
Answer: (4:200) Mrs. Golde’s Alma Mater!! Question: Alma Mater? I don’t even know ‘er ! Ohio State University
Answer: (4:400) What is the best ice cream flavor? Question: Cookies and Cream
Answer: (4:600) Are we doing anything today? Question: No. Never. We never do anything. We sit in stony silence.
Answer: (4:800) Question: Potato ?
Answer: (5:200) The end of our sun’s life (three stages) Question: What is red giant, white dwarf, black dwarf?
Answer: (5:400) The temperature at which stars begin nuclear fusion. Question: What is 15 million degrees Celcius?
Answer: (5:600) A star is considered a main sequence star when this begins. Question: What is the process of nuclear fusion?
Answer: (5:400) The most luminous stars are this color. The coolest stars are this color. Question: What is blue? What is Red?
Good Luck on FINALS!.