Practice: Paste Notes here when done 123 Early Astronomers Moon Phases and Eclipses 124 Early Astronomers 12/15/2014 12/15/2014 Practice: Paste Notes here when done Application: Time Line Exit : The baton has been passed through many Astronomers. What do you think the leading belief is for the formation of the universe? (remember, Hubble said our Universe is still expanding today…) Starter: Explain what you know about astronomy Connection: If you were present on Earth during a time of zero technology and all you had was your own personal perspective, what would you think was going on in the universe?
TURN IN YOUR VOCAB!!! 1. Starter 2. Notes 3. Connection 4. Exit December 15, 2014 AGENDA Objective 8.8E Research how scientific data are used as evidence to develop scientific theories to describe the origin of the universe by reading and writing while completing notes.
Table of Contents Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 11/14 Quiz and Writing 99-100 11/17 CBA Review 101-102 11/19 Solar System 103-104 11/20 Solar System Web 105-106 11/21 Solar System Writing and Quiz 107-108 11/20-12/1 Solar System Web 109-110 12/2 Planetary Soda Pop Lab 111-112 12/3 Conditions for Life 113-114 12/4 Space Mission Notes 115-116 12/5 Solar System II with Writing 117-118 12/8 Space Exploration 119-120 12/110-11 Space Mission Poster 121-122 12/15 Early Astronomers 123-124
Early Astronomers
Astronomy The study of all the physical objects beyond Earth. Most thought that the universe consisted of only the sun, the moon, and the planets.
Claudius Ptolemy · Date of Birth: about 90 AD · Date of Death: about 168 AD · Nationality: Greek · Dates of discovery: 140 CE In 140 CE, thought the Sun and the other planets revolved around the Earth and that the Earth was the center of the universe (geocentric). He predicted that each planet and the sun orbited in a perfect circle around the Earth (geocentric theory).. Earth Center
· Date of Birth: 1473 · Date of Death: 1543. · Nationality: Polish · Dates of discovery: 1543 Came up with heliocentric theory that said the Earth and the other planets revolved around the Sun. Said each planet had its own orbit and moved in the same direction around the Sun in different amounts of time. Nicholas Copernicus Sun centered
Tycho Brahe Date of Birth: 1546 · Date of Death: 1601 · Nationality: DANISH · Dates of discovery: 1500.s In the late-1500’s, a Danish astronomer came up with a theory that the sun and the moon revolved around the Earth, while the other planets revolved around the sun. While his theory was not correct also, he was able to record data listing the exact position of the sun, moon, and planets. Tycho Brahe
Johannes Kepler Date of Birth: December 27, 1571 Date of Death: November 15, 1630, Nationality: German Dates of discovery:1594–1630 It was a sixteenth century German mathematician and astronomer, assistant of Tycho, that discovered that the planets do not revolve in orbit in perfect circles in paths shaped like ellipses or oval orbits. He was correct.
Galileo Galilei Date of Birth:15 February 1564 Date of Death: 8 January 1642 Nationality: Italian Dates of discovery: Late 1500’s In 1609, he became the 1st person to use a telescope to observe objects in space. With this telescope, he was able to discover the 4 moons of Jupiter, craters and mountains on the moon, and sunspots. He also favored Copernicus’s theory of revolution over Ptolemy’s.
Sir Issac Newton Date of Birth: December 25, 1642 Date of Death:March 20, 1727 Nationality: English Dates of discovery: Late 1600”s Finally in 1687, a scientist, Newton theorized the movement of the planets. Newton said that a planet’s motion around the sun is the result of two factors, inertia (a law stating that a moving object will not change speed or direction unless an outside force causes a change in direction) and gravity. Inertia causes the planet to move in a straight line while gravity pulls the planet toward the sun. When the two combine, the planet moves in a elliptical orbit.
Edwin Hubble · Date of Death: 1953 · Nationality: American · Date of Birth: 1889 · Date of Death: 1953 · Nationality: American · Dates of discovery: 1910-1953 He profoundly changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating the existence of other galaxies besides the Milky Way. He also discovered that the degree of redshift observed in light coming from a galaxy increased in proportion to the distance of that galaxy from the Milky Way. This became known as Hubble's law, and would help establish that the known universe is expanding.
Percival Lowell · Date of Birth: 1855 · Date of Death: 1916 · Nationality: American · Dates of discovery: The early 20th century Being as dedicated as he was to studding Astronomy, Lowell believed that Mars was a home to an advanced civilization. He also published three books showing his views. Lowell's greatest contribution to astronomy was finding “planet x” his theory was not proved until after his death but thanks to him we now know of Pluto.
Albert Einstein · Date of Birth: March 14, 1879 · Date of Death: April 18, 1955 · Nationality: German · Dates of discovery: Early 20th century (1905) He came up with the Theory of Relativity (E=mc2),which addresses the speed of Light and showed that absolute time had to be replaced by a new absolute: the speed of light.
IV. Connection If you were present on Earth during a time of zero technology and all you had was your own personal perspective, what would you think was going on in the universe? V. Exit The baton has been passed through many Astronomers. What do you think the leading belief is for the formation of the universe? (remember, Hubble said our Universe is still expanding today…)
Practice: Paste Notes here when done 123 Early Astronomers Moon Phases and Eclipses 124 Early Astronomers 12/15/2014 12/15/2014 Practice: Paste Notes here when done Application: Time Line Exit : The baton has been passed through many Astronomers. What do you think the leading belief is for the formation of the universe? (remember, Hubble said our Universe is still expanding today…) Starter: Explain what you know about astronomy Connection: If you were present on Earth during a time of zero technology and all you had was your own personal perspective, what would you think was going on in the universe?