For the last 20 years, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory has sponsored the Planetary Science Summer School (PSSS) to give faculty, postdocs, and graduate students experience in the design and engineering of robotic missions to Solar System bodies of interest to NASA. Mission proposals are based off of recommendations from the National Research Council’s Decadal Survey. PSSS is a week-long program where students are paired with engineers from JPL’s Team X to concurrently design spacecraft, payload, science instruments, and mission. We would like to thank the JPL Office of Informal Education, Anita Sohus, Amber Norton, JPL, the NASA Science Mission Directorate, Charles Budney, and the rest of Team X. For more information please visit Planetary Science Summer School Mission Overview and Objectives Instruments Acknowledgements Configuration The baseline mission design requires an Atlas V 531 launch vehicle and allows for three small body encounters. The trajectory brings the spacecraft within 900 km of 2001 HM 10, which will provide the opportunity for a test run of the spacecraft systems. During the (624) Hektor encounter the spacecraft passes 700 km above the target at 8.2 km/s, while at 39/P Oterma it passes 800 km above the target at 9.1 km/s. A visualization of the trajectory below shows the orbits of the target bodies in addition to other relevant Solar System objects: Approximately six days prior to encounters with each target, the spacecraft will launch a 75-kg “dead” tungsten ball. Each impact will excavate a crater on the target, exposing the pristine subsurface and also producing a plume of material for analysis, allowing for. Due to concerns of material hitting and damaging the spacecraft, flybys will occur at a height too far away to perform onboard analysis of samples generated in the impacts. The impacts and resulting craters will help determine the extent of weathering on each object. Mission Design and Impactors Our mission objectives are the in situ reconnaissance of a Trojan asteroid and a Centaurs via conventional passive methods such as imaging and radio science in addition to the launch of two Deep Impact-style impactors (one for the Trojan target and the other for the Centaur target). Why study Jupiter Trojan asteroids and Centaurs? These primitive small bodies hold clues to the origin and evolution of the Solar System, in that they have avoided most of the processing experienced by larger bodies. Trojans were likely captured during Solar System formation, while Centaurs are believed to have originated in the Kuiper Belt and are similar to comets. Trojans and Centaurs are two major populations that have never been explored by spacecraft and have not been exhaustively studied by ground-based telescopes due to being both dim and distant. Centaurs, however, provide an accessible source of material from two more remote populations: the Kuiper Belt and comets. Targets were selected based on their science potential and low V requirements. Our mission involves a launch in 2015, followed by an encounter with main belt asteroid 2001 HM 10 in In 2020, the spacecraft will encounter the Trojan target (624) Hektor, launch a single impactor, then continue on to the Centaur target 39/P Oterma and launch a second impactor. Our mission name, SHOTPUT, stands for Survey of Hektor and Oterma Through Pulverization of Unique Targets. The carrier spacecraft features a high-gain antenna and two solar arrays. This view shows the N2O4 (oxidizer) and NH (fuel) tanks as large red spheres, the tungsten impactors (20 cm diameter) in yellow, and the RCS thrusters in the corners. Instruments are in the grey box on the front lower right. The spacecraft was designed within the constraints of the 2008 New Frontiers Announcement of Opportunity (AO) in terms of cost and mass. Our solution is a compact yet robust spacecraft and instrument package based on proven technology to reduce the development phases of this mission. The instrument package has a mass of 94 kg and has a total operational power of 98 W. The instrument suite includes: Multi-Spectral Imager (previous mission: NEAR) Dust Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (Rosetta) Thermal Infrared Spectrometer (Mars Global Surveyor) Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (Cassini) Wide Angle Camera Radio Science Experiment The science traceability matrix shows how the mission goals and science questions can be answered by different instruments and measurements, and how these will increase scientific understanding. In terms of scientific yield, green indicates a breakthrough; yellow a significant advance; while purple represents some advance. Over a month prior to a target encounter, instrument check-out will begin and the imager begins running four hours per day. A week before encounter, radio science begins, the IR component of the imager turns on, and the the dust analyzer begins operating. Thirty minutes prior to the encounter, TIS and UVIS turn on and begin collecting data. Post-encounter, the instruments turn off in the opposite order to how they began operating. Designing a New Frontiers-class Trojan/Centaur Reconnaissance Mission A JPL Planetary Science Summer School Study Alessondra Springmann 1, C. Burke 1, M. Cartwright 2, R. Gadre 3, L. Horodyskyj 4, A. Klesh 5, K. Milam 6, N. Moskovitz 7, J. Oiler 8, D. Ostrowski 9, M. Pagano 8, R. Smith 10, S. Taniguchi 5, A. Townsend-Small 11, K. U-yen 10, S. Vance 12, J. Wang 3, J. Westlake 13, K. Zacny 14 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2 University of California, Los Angeles, 3 Georgia Institute of Technology, 4 Pennsylvania State University, 5 University of Michigan, 6 Ohio University, 7 University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy, 8 Arizona State University, 9 University of Arkansas, 10 NASA Goddard, 11 University of California, Irvine, 12 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 13 University of Texas, San Antonio, 14 University of California, Berkeley. The craters resulting from our impacts will have similar diameters (~100 m) and depths (~35 m) to the crater on Temple 1 created by the Deep Impact spacecraft. The New Frontiers AO caps missions at $650M; our mission is within the cap at $622.8M. SHOTPUT is also within the caps for both mass (1850 kg; max is 1890 kg) and power (max power is 700 W, within margins). SHOTPUT’s well-design spacecraft and trajectory would provide the first observations of a Trojan and a Centaur of both these targets’ surfaces and subsurfaces. The two impactors onboard both provide innovative science and add public interest to the mission. The robust suite of instruments utilize proven and reliable science capability to reduce the development time and mission cost. In addition to budgeting the mission below the AO limits, we have a descoping plan to ensure the potential science outcomes of the SHOTPUT mission are preserved. Conclusions