Here comes your footer Page 2 The purpose of DSS (Deuteron Spin Structure) project is broadening of energy and angular ranges of measurement of different variables in processes including 3-nucleon systems. The main aim of offered experiment program is extraction of information from spin depending part of 3-nucleon forces. DSS project experimental program includes 2 experiments, one of them is the experiment of dp-elastic scattering study. During it will be done measurement of cross-section, vector A y, tensor A yy and A xx analyzing powers in dp-elastic scattering in the range of 300 and 1000 MeV of the deuteron kinetic energy. The goal for the nearest runs is to measure the cross-section of dp-elastic scattering reaction in wide deuteron energy range with the step not more than 100 MeV in the region from MeV. This is needed for an experiment to measure analyzing powers for the dp-elastic scattering. DSS project The main aim of present investigation is to measure the cross-section of dp-elastic scattering at the energies of 500 and 880 MeV using kinematical coincidences of deuteron and proton with simple plastic scintillation counters and CH 2 and C targets at the internal target station at the Nuclotron.
Here comes your footer Page 3 Internal Target Station target beam
Here comes your footer Page 4 Scheme of the experiment PP-L PP-R D P M 1-6 Horizontal plane Vertical plane Beam P and D - proton and deuteron detectors (dp- elastic scattering) PP-L and PP-R –proton detectors (pp-quasi elastic scattering) M monitor counters.
Here comes your footer Page 5 Experimental setup at the Internal Target Station Internal target Detector’s base P and D detector Beam Photomultiplier FEU-85 PMT base Hull Scintillator Scintilator’s cover Counter # 2 for P and D detectors -Scintillators: 1) 20*25*5 mm or 10*25*5mm (counter #1) 2) 20*25*20 mm (counter #2)
Here comes your footer Page 6 Data handling The results obtained at 880MeV deuteron beam on polyethylene target: a) deuteron energy losses, b) proton energy losses, c) correlation of proton and deuteron energy losses, d) time difference between the signals for deuteron and proton detectors. CH 2 DATA 880MeV Proton energy losses Deuteron energy losses Deuteron energy losses (channels) Proton energy losses (channels) Deuteron energy losses (channels) Proton energy losses (channels) N events Deuteron & Proton energy losses Deuteron-Proton TOF Deuteron-Proton TOF (channels)
Here comes your footer Page 7 Data handling N events TDC SPECTRA FITTING TDC (Channels) Gauss+Const fit MPV - 4*SigmaMPV + 4*Sigma TDC spectra with gates 880 MeV СН2 target 60 deg. c.m. deuteron scattering
Here comes your footer Page 8 D energy losses (channels) P energy losses (channels) D energy losses (channels) P energy losses (channels) D energy losses (channels) APPLYING ADC GRAPHICAL CRITERIA ) ADC correlation w.o. TDC gates ADC correlation with TDC gates ADC CORRELATION GRAPHICAL CRITERIA
Here comes your footer Page 9 Time difference spectra obtained on polyethylene (a) and carbon (b) targets. CH2 DATA CARBON DATA Gauss+const fit Getting normalization coefficient fitting the time difference spectra CH2C K = const CH2 /const C
Here comes your footer Page 10 CH 2 -C time difference spectra subtraction Time difference distribution for dp-elastic events obtained from CH 2 -C CH 2 C TDC (channels ) Result of CH 2 -С subtraction N events
Here comes your footer Page 11 Event yield of dp-elastic scattering T d =880 MeV d-angle (deg. c.m.s) event yield Event yield=N dp-elastic /N pp-quasielastic T d =880MeV
Here comes your footer Page 12 PRELIMINARY Cross section of dp-elastic scattering T d =880MeV (mb/sr)
Here comes your footer Page 13 Cross section of dp-elastic scattering T d =500MeV PRELIMINARY (mb/sr)
Here comes your footer Page 14 Conclusions The following results has been obtained: The procedure of the dp-elastic scattering cross-section measurements at internal target station at Nuclotron using CH 2 -C subtraction has been established. The first results of the cross-section measurement in dp-elastic scattering at the energies of 500 and 880 MeV have been obtained. The results show the reasonable behaviour as the function of the scattering angle. The goal for the nearest runs is to measure the cross-section of dp- elastic scattering reaction in wide deuteron energy range with the step not more than 100 MeV in the region from MeV.
Here comes your footer Page 15 Collaboration Yu.V.Gurchin a, A.Yu.Isupov a,M.Janek a,b, J.-T.Karachuk a,c, A.N.Khrenov a, V.A.Krasnov a, A.K.Kurilkin a, P.K.Kurilkin a, V.P.Ladygin a, A.N.Livanov a,S.M.Piyadin a, V.L.Rapatsky a,S.G.Reznikov a, A.A.Terekhin a, T.A.Vasiliev a a JINR, Dubna b P.J.Shafaric University, Koshice, Slovakia c Advansed Research Institute for Electrical Engineering, Bucharest, Romania
Here comes your footer Page 16 THANK YOU! Yury Gurchin