Kyler’s Elements Kyler Rengiil
line The neck of the goal leads in to the people making shots. And number 44 arm is leading towards the goal. Owner:Offical U.S. Navy Imagery License information: Attribution Photo URL: aDPpbf-aDPpe5-7XG85Z-dVrr2j-8uLTsU-8v8gpc-e446ND-8uSXj9-crz2zA-8v8gqK-dE6uRF- dE6uBg-7Qe1sH-e47Uhj-8uTUxC-e62vXe-cj1qg7-8uRQis-8uPbCZ-9vKdq3-c9moA1-cxzqCL- cxzqF7-cxzqNJ-cxzqAf-cxzqKA-cxzqGW-7BaTfG-7BaT35-7B75GD-7BaTzh-7B74fH-7B74GB- 7BaU4Y-7BaSME-7BaSYd-7B75ek-7BaUhm-7BaUkq-96NwNe-cLzvNQ-cLzuxh-cLzx21- baGuSp-9u7XGR-dXisKr-dWYPSf-bDVL7o-bDVL3L-8t8Zo8-cK1f1y/
line The lines of the stairs lead into the field. And the bleachers lead into the field. Also the lines on the field lead to the logo. Owner: USDAgov License information: Attribution Photo URL: dRZchu-dRSQzr-dRYKcW-dRTg7V-dRYBko-dRZ3WQ-dRTeH2-dRT62R-dRYzLS-dRZ1GJ-dRTwVX- dRZ7dY-dRSURZ-dRYy6E-dRYEA9-dRSRnk-dRSSw2-dRTinn-dRSVD2-dRYLMu-dRYVLm-dRYuFY- dRTd3e-dRT38n-dRZaJY-dRT7ya-dRTnWc-dRYMV3-dRYWKL-b2fEKT-87GP8W-9NU9e9-9iv1RZ- 7NgLFm-7NcN2V-7NcQnK-7NgLzU-7NgPoG-7NgLN9/
Depth of field I think this is depth of field cause the background is blurred out. Owner: mike barid License information: Attribution Photo URL: b4gupv-87DyKD-dRZchu-dRSQzr-dRYKcW-dRTg7V-dRYBko-dRZ3WQ-dRTeH2-dRT62R- dRYzLS-dRZ1GJ-dRTwVX-dRZ7dY-dRSURZ-dRYy6E-dRYEA9-dRSRnk-dRSSw2-dRTinn- dRSVD2-dRYLMu-dRYVLm-dRYuFY-dRTd3e-dRT38n-dRZaJY-dRT7ya-dRTnWc-dRYMV3- dRYWKL-b2fEKT-87GP8W-9NU9e9-9iv1RZ-7NgLFm-7NcN2V-7NcQnK-7NgLzU-7NgPoG- 7NgLN9/
Depth of field This is depth of field because the background and the road is hard to see. Owner: Riebart License information: Attribution Photo URL: 9UzaGk-9Uz9GD-9UC38q/
Rule of thirds This is rule of thirds cause the bird is in the bottom left corner. And the flower is in the bottom right corner. And the bush is in the middle. Owner: Inspire Kelly License information: Attribution Photo URL: a8k4zJ/
Rule of thirds This is rule of thirds cause the coin on the finger is in the top left corner. And the stars are n the bottom right corner. Owner: Paul B. License information: Attribution Photo URL: bnryyd-djaciT-amhc6q-dx8cur/
Owner: License information: Attribution No Derivatives Non-Commercial Share Alike Photo URL:
Owner: License information: Attribution No Derivatives Non-Commercial Share Alike Photo URL: