ICTs and Rural Women Operates a telecenter Provides the communications access Her telecenter becomes: Link to communicate Teachers, farmers, health workers, artisans New business plan
Women Owned/Operated CAMEROON GCNet Woman owned and operated ISP Business customers University, schools Women’s groups Rural co-ops TANZANIA Telecom, ISP Women’s organizations Professional associations Refugee centers remote
Strategy Rural networks go to scale Shared networks, multi-sector and user Take the Internet... Multipoint networks peri-urban, rural Cluster of villages, communities, sites Remote stand-alone, satellite access
Models POWER Off - grid On - grid BANDWIDTH Off - net On - net
Equipment Laptop computer Speakers, microphone, CD-ROM, DVD Printer terminal, Internet device Phone or data connection Modem Antenna
Enhanced Equipment Web Camera, video conferencing Wireless LAN b, laptops, PDA Radio broadcast unit, radio Distance learning tools Telemedicine tools e-Government and e-commerce tools
Connectivity Wireless point to multipoint IP 5, 15, 25 km ranges, plus repeaters VSAT and WLL LEO satellite Cell phone/sat phone SkyDSL two-way access to satellite
Solar Power Winrock manual for ITU rural technologies Canadian radio broadcast system unit Solar Energy Light Fund Engineer Deploy Support
Team Management Technology Finance Regional Directors Latin America and Caribbean Africa, Middle East, Europe Asia/Pacific
Contacts Inc Lynne Gallagher fax
is a startup company developing ICT solutions for the environmental and social conditions of rural and peri-urban areas. Prepaid & internet access Voice communications Financial transactions Public information access Telemedicine Wiya Solutions
The Wiya Consortium An umbrella for developing countries and other participants to pool their technical resources Joint development of a royalty-free software and hardware platform for community-based rural and peri-urban communications Formation began October 2001 Initial participants: Wiya Solutions, Inc. Indian Institute of Technology – Madras Popular Computer Project – University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Wiya Approach to End User Interface Design Gender, culture, language are critical considerations in human-computer interaction Within any group learning styles differ: visual, aural, kinesthetic, interactive Example: Audio instructions to assist the illiterate Some users are disoriented by « disembodied voice » User interface design must address motivation, level of computer experience, even motor skills Question: Do women of different cultures relate to computers in similar ways?
Integrating Voice Response & Web Services
Contact Wiya Rebecca Mayer T: (703) 234 – 5308 F: (309) 213 – 0486