LO in the new curriculum 2014 KS3 re human food security: Interactions and interdependencies, Genetics and evolution: The variation between species and between individuals of the same species means some organisms compete more successfully, which can drive natural selection Changes in the environment may leave individuals within a species, and some entire species, less well adapted to compete successfully and reproduce, which in turn may lead to extinction The importance of maintaining biodiversity and the use of gene banks to preserve heredity material Human Food Security 80% of calorie intake from 12 crops, 50% from 3; wheat, maize and rice. What would happen if we lose one?
Wheat Michiel van Slageren, Kew’s wheat expert ‘Wheat grains are ground into flour then made into foods like bread and pasta. Wild wheats like emmer (Triticum dicoccoides) have relatively small grains. Look for einkorn and spelt; these other early forms of wheat are still cultivated on a small scale today. Pasta wheat (Triticum durum) is a minor crop, most wheat grown today is bread wheat, like Triticum aestivum ‘Consort’. See if you can spot ears with lots of large grains and short stems, which are easier to harvest. Temperate cereals Harvested grains