Rank NUsUs Recruit10 Pilot20 PO30 Chief31 Master32 Ensign42 Lieutenant43 Commander∞3 Captain∞4 R Adm∞5 V Adm∞6 F Adm∞∞ Base Squad Cost 19 Flight Certifications Ship Squad Points TIE Fighter 11 TIE Interceptor 17 TIE Advanced 19 TIE Bomber 14 TIE Defender 29 TIE Phantom 22 Firespray Lambda Shuttle 19 VT-49 Decimator 37 Other Pilot Skill Level 2 Name Mar Velous Species HumanAge: 30 Galactic Empire Personnel File Pilot Talent 1Pilot Talent 2 Ability Cost [3] [6] [+1] Tactical Judgment Spend one unused XP per battle Escape artist Reroll an escape die Survivalist Reroll an eject die Executioner Reroll an attack die Cagey Reroll an evasion die Unspent XP (Spent XP) 0 (3) Combat Record DateScenarioMission ResultPilot FateKillsXP CV - PV - PL - CLS - F - C - K CV - PV - PL - CLS - F - C - K CV - PV - PL - CLS - F - C - K CV - PV - PL - CLS - F - C - K CV - PV - PL - CLS - F - C - K Faction Asset Bonuses
Personnel History Rash and reckless, Mar Velous is the only son of a wealthy Imperial Senator who survived the purges of Emperor Palpatine by revealing information about rebellious senators and government officials to the director of the Senate Bureau of Intelligence, Armand Isard. Rather spoiled and over protected, Mar Velous joined the Imperial Navy against his father’s wishes and always seeks to move out of his father’s long shadow. Not well liked by his comrades, it is widely perceived that Mar receives soft assignments because of his father’s high-level contacts. Name Species Age: