lmp1528 CPMT Treasurer’s Report 28 May Financial Results CPMT Financial Reserves 2001 YTD Financial Results Year 2002 Budget 2002 Budget Development Process Budget groundrules and constraints Discussion Budget Delete or add priorities
lmp1528 See separate spreadsheet of actuals vs. budget 2000 CPMT Surplus was $367.7K –Dues less processing charges$ 14.0K$ 12.2K –Interest and investment earnings479.7K19.9K –Net from publications331.3K442.0K –Net from conferences/proceedings 314.4K345.5K –Committees, etc. underspent173.7K134.0K 2000 Financial Results
lmp1528 CPMT Financial Reserves CPMT Society Accumulated Financial Reserve Year Year-end Reserve ($K) 2000 Year-end financial reserves: $2,969K $3,019K 1999 Year End + 368K 2000 Surplus - 418K 2000 Reduction $2,969K 2000 Year End
lmp CPMT Budget See separate spreadsheet $1.47M expenses; $7.4K surplus Includes $237K for initiatives Does not reflect Reduction of Reserves for IEEE Infra-structure charges ($630K) 2001 YTD actuals vs. budget are okay –Administrator, Web-based tutorial not started –Some committees and initiatives underspending
lmp1528 CPMT 2001 Initiatives Full-time administrator at IEEE$72K Increased BoG Travel Support+ $40K Graduate Fellowship additional year$40K Web-based courses development$30K Marketing$15K Industry Support Programs$10K Student Programs$10K IEEE Packaging Award initial expense $ 9K Reprint CPMT Brochure$ 8K Newsletter Upgrade + $ 3K $ 237K
lmp1528 CPMT 2002 Budget Discussion Agenda: Budget Development Process Budget Groundrules and Constraints Presentation of Discussion Budget Discussion of Expense Items Motion to approve Discussion Budget Motion to approve Deletion Priorities Motion to approve Addition Priorities
lmp Budget Development Process Society determines next year Input Parameters (2/01) IEEE calculates revenue and expense from IEEE(4/01) Society “First Pass” reviewed by staff, approvers(5/01) IEEE revises allocations, distributions (7/01) Society submits “final” budget(8/01) Last change opportunity(9/01) Reviews and approvals: –TAD, IEEE Staff– IEEE Finance Committee –TAB Finance Committee– IEEE Executive Committee –Technical Activities Board– IEEE Board of Directors
lmp Budget Development Status IEEE BoD Infrastructure Recovery Committee April Baseline Budget was overall deficit First Pass budgets were even more deficit IEEE BoD decision to balance overall in 2002 –IEEE BoD increasing revenue, cutting expenses –% of ASPP, BB, Conf. to cover Infrastructure –All IEEE entities must improve their bottom line Societies: Baseline Net + (28% Expense or 25% Revenue) CPMT: $133.2K surplus + $41.3K = 174.5K surplus –(Implement “Pay-by-the-Drink” accounting)
lmp1528 CPMT 2002 Discussion Budget Reformatted to show spendable net revenue –Uses IEEE publications revenue numbers Assumes use of Document Central papers processing –Assumes $200K conferences net + Book Broker –Provides $233.9K for Infrastructure Recovery Assume no interest and investment income Assumes 60% of ASPP net revenue Assumes 60% of Book Broker net revenue Assumes $10 charge per Conference attendee Assumes 50% increase in TAB charges Break even bottom line
lmp1528 Discussion Budget Income $ 49.2K 48.2K 37.5K 53.1K 20 K 25.9K $233.9K K $ 59.4K
lmp1528 Discussion Budget Expenses
lmp1528 Budget Line Name: ___________________________________ CPMT 2002 Budget Development Information 5/28/01 Requested:$_______K In Budget:$_______K Not included: $_______K Submitter: ___________________________ DescriptionValue/Benefit JustificationBenefit Metric Request Additions Priority Deletions Priority 5/28/01 Budget How you will measure that these benefits have been achieved Justification for each effort or activity, in terms of value or benefit to CPMT members, CPMT Society, or the components, packaging, and manufacturing technology professions What can still be done with the funding amount in the Discussion Budget How you will measure that this benefits have been achieved What value and benefits can still be delivered with the Discussion Budget funding 1.The numbered priority in which you would add efforts or activities (1. = add first) if the budget for this line item could be increased 1.For each numbered addition what increase of value and benefits will result from this addition 1.The numbered priority in which you would delete efforts or activities (1. = delete first) if the budget needed to be further reduced 1.The impact of deferral (by number) 1.For each numbered deletion what loss of value and benefits will result from this deletion Can we do in 2003? Description and scope of proposed efforts and activities Name $ amts Budget line name 1.The impact of deferral (by number)
lmp1528 Expenses Discussion
lmp1528 Budget Line Name: ___________________________________ CPMT 2002 Budget Development Information 5/28/01 Requested:$_______K In Budget:$_______K Not included: $_______K Submitter: ___________________________ DescriptionValue/Benefit JustificationBenefit Metric Request Additions Priority Deletions Priority 5/28/01 Budget How you will measure that these benefits have been achieved Justification for each effort or activity, in terms of value or benefit to CPMT members, CPMT Society, or the components, packaging, and manufacturing technology professions What can still be done with the funding amount in the Discussion Budget How you will measure that this benefits have been achieved What value and benefits can still be delivered with the Discussion Budget funding 1.The numbered priority in which you would add efforts or activities (1. = add first) if the budget for this line item could be increased 1.For each numbered addition what increase of value and benefits will result from this addition 1.The numbered priority in which you would delete efforts or activities (1. = delete first) if the budget needed to be further reduced 1.The impact of deferral (by number) 1.For each numbered deletion what loss of value and benefits will result from this deletion Can we do in 2003? Description and scope of proposed efforts and activities Name $ amts Budget line name 1.The impact of deferral (by number)
lmp1528 Budget Line Name: ___________________________________ CPMT 2002 Budget Development Information 5/28/01 Requested:$_______K In Budget:$_______K Not included: $_______K Submitter: ___________________________ DescriptionValue/Benefit JustificationBenefit Metric Request Additions Priority Deletions Priority 5/28/01 Budget Continued smooth Society operations Reduced que time of papers Committee results All that Marsha does to manage the Society and support officers, volunteers, and members Administer electronic tracking of Transactions documents and support officers, committees and strategic directors Executive Director at IEEE headquarters Continued smooth Sociey operation All that Marsha does to manage the Society and support officers, volunteers, and members 1.Add half time Administrative Assistant (+$22K) 2. Add full-time AA (--> $52K) 1.For each numbered addition what increase of value and benefits will result from this addition 1.Reduce Executive Director to half time (-73.6K) 2.Eliminate Executive Office (- another 80K) 1.Reduced Exec. Office Support 2.No Exec. Office 1.For each numbered deletion what loss of value and benefits will result from this deletion Can we do in 2003? Executive Director at IEEE headquarters Full time Administrative Assistant Merrill Palmer CPMT Executive Office 1. Okay to defer. Not essential. 2. Same 1 Partially offset by $8K less editorial expense.
lmp1528 Budget Line Name: ___________________________________ CPMT 2002 Budget Development Information 5/28/01 Requested:$_______K In Budget:$_______K Not included: $_______K Submitter: ___________________________ DescriptionValue/Benefit JustificationBenefit Metric Request Additions Priority Deletions Priority 5/28/01 Budget Continued smooth Society operations Reduced que time of papers Committee results Continued BoG meeting frequency Presently approved levels of travel support Three meetings per year $62K travel support for BoG members Continued smooth Sociey operation Continued BoG meeting frequency Presently approved levels of travel support N/A. Full request included. 1.Eliminate non-U.S. meeting (-18K) 2.Reduce travel support to $1.5K/2.5K (-$10K) 3. Reduce to 2 meetings/year with $1.35K/$2K travel (-14K) All: Could reinstate later if we decided on any of these cuts. 1.Give up whatever Internationalization goals are meant to be served 2. Reduced member travel support 3. Fewer face-to-face BoG meetings Can we do in 2003? Three meetings per year $62K travel support for BoG members Merrill Palmer Board of Governors Expense 1 Partially offset by $8K less editorial expense.
lmp1528 Budget Line Name: ___________________________________ CPMT 2002 Budget Development Information 5/28/01 Requested:$_______K In Budget:$_______K Not included: $_______K Submitter: ___________________________ DescriptionValue/Benefit JustificationBenefit Metric Request Additions Priority Deletions Priority 5/28/01 Budget Additional Discussion of Requests: Ralph Russell Chapters Committee Membership Committee Al Puttlitz Distinguished Lecturer Program CD-ROM Short Course John Segelken Awards Committee Connie Swager Marketing Committee
lmp1528 Budget Line Name: ___________________________________ CPMT 2002 Budget Development Information 5/28/01 Requested:$_______K In Budget:$_______K Not included: $_______K Submitter: ___________________________ DescriptionValue/Benefit JustificationBenefit Metric Request Additions Priority Deletions Priority 5/28/01 Budget How you will measure that these benefits have been achieved Justification for each effort or activity, in terms of value or benefit to CPMT members, CPMT Society, or the components, packaging, and manufacturing technology professions What can still be done with the funding amount in the Discussion Budget How you will measure that this benefits have been achieved What value and benefits can still be delivered with the Discussion Budget funding 1.The numbered priority in which you would add efforts or activities (1. = add first) if the budget for this line item could be increased 1.For each numbered addition what increase of value and benefits will result from this addition 1.The numbered priority in which you would delete efforts or activities (1. = delete first) if the budget needed to be further reduced 1.The impact of deferral (by number) 1.For each numbered deletion what loss of value and benefits will result from this deletion Can we do in 2003? Description and scope of proposed efforts and activities Ralph Russell Chapters Committee 1.The impact of deferral (by number) 1 1 Original request was $65K; $5K moved to International Programs.
lmp1528 Budget Line Name: ___________________________________ CPMT 2002 Budget Development Information 5/28/01 Requested:$_______K In Budget:$_______K Not included: $_______K Submitter: ___________________________ DescriptionValue/Benefit JustificationBenefit Metric Request Additions Priority Deletions Priority 5/28/01 Budget How you will measure that these benefits have been achieved Justification for each effort or activity, in terms of value or benefit to CPMT members, CPMT Society, or the components, packaging, and manufacturing technology professions What can still be done with the funding amount in the Discussion Budget How you will measure that this benefits have been achieved What value and benefits can still be delivered with the Discussion Budget funding 1.The numbered priority in which you would add efforts or activities (1. = add first) if the budget for this line item could be increased 1.For each numbered addition what increase of value and benefits will result from this addition 1.The numbered priority in which you would delete efforts or activities (1. = delete first) if the budget needed to be further reduced 1.The impact of deferral (by number) 1.For each numbered deletion what loss of value and benefits will result from this deletion Can we do in 2003? Description and scope of proposed efforts and activities Name $ Membership Committee 1.The impact of deferral (by number) 1 1 Original request was $23.5K; $2.5K moved to International Programs.
lmp1528 Budget Line Name: ___________________________________ CPMT 2002 Budget Development Information 5/28/01 Requested:$_______K In Budget:$_______K Not included: $_______K Submitter: ___________________________ DescriptionValue/Benefit JustificationBenefit Metric Request Additions Priority Deletions Priority 5/28/01 Budget How you will measure that these benefits have been achieved Justification for each effort or activity, in terms of value or benefit to CPMT members, CPMT Society, or the components, packaging, and manufacturing technology professions What can still be done with the funding amount in the Discussion Budget How you will measure that this benefits have been achieved What value and benefits can still be delivered with the Discussion Budget funding 1.The numbered priority in which you would add efforts or activities (1. = add first) if the budget for this line item could be increased 1.For each numbered addition what increase of value and benefits will result from this addition 1.The numbered priority in which you would delete efforts or activities (1. = delete first) if the budget needed to be further reduced 1.The impact of deferral (by number) 1.For each numbered deletion what loss of value and benefits will result from this deletion Can we do in 2003? Description and scope of proposed efforts and activities Al Puttlitz Distinguished Lecturer 1.The impact of deferral (by number)
lmp1528 Budget Line Name: ___________________________________ CPMT 2002 Budget Development Information 5/28/01 Requested:$_______K In Budget:$_______K Not included: $_______K Submitter: ___________________________ DescriptionValue/Benefit JustificationBenefit Metric Request Additions Priority Deletions Priority 5/28/01 Budget How you will measure that these benefits have been achieved Justification for each effort or activity, in terms of value or benefit to CPMT members, CPMT Society, or the components, packaging, and manufacturing technology professions What can still be done with the funding amount in the Discussion Budget How you will measure that this benefits have been achieved What value and benefits can still be delivered with the Discussion Budget funding 1.The numbered priority in which you would add efforts or activities (1. = add first) if the budget for this line item could be increased 1.For each numbered addition what increase of value and benefits will result from this addition 1.The numbered priority in which you would delete efforts or activities (1. = delete first) if the budget needed to be further reduced 1.The impact of deferral (by number) 1.For each numbered deletion what loss of value and benefits will result from this deletion Can we do in 2003? Description and scope of proposed efforts and activities Al Puttlitz Web-based CD-ROM Short Course 1.The impact of deferral (by number)
lmp1528 Budget Line Name: ___________________________________ CPMT 2002 Budget Development Information 5/28/01 Requested:$_______K In Budget:$_______K Not included: $_______K Submitter: ___________________________ DescriptionValue/Benefit JustificationBenefit Metric Request Additions Priority Deletions Priority 5/28/01 Budget How you will measure that these benefits have been achieved Justification for each effort or activity, in terms of value or benefit to CPMT members, CPMT Society, or the components, packaging, and manufacturing technology professions What can still be done with the funding amount in the Discussion Budget How you will measure that this benefits have been achieved What value and benefits can still be delivered with the Discussion Budget funding 1.The numbered priority in which you would add efforts or activities (1. = add first) if the budget for this line item could be increased 1.For each numbered addition what increase of value and benefits will result from this addition 1.The numbered priority in which you would delete efforts or activities (1. = delete first) if the budget needed to be further reduced 1.The impact of deferral (by number) 1.For each numbered deletion what loss of value and benefits will result from this deletion Can we do in 2003? Description and scope of proposed efforts and activities John Segelken Awards Committee 1.The impact of deferral (by number)
lmp1528 Budget Line Name: ___________________________________ CPMT 2002 Budget Development Information 5/28/01 Requested:$_______K In Budget:$_______K Not included: $_______K Submitter: ___________________________ DescriptionValue/Benefit JustificationBenefit Metric Request Additions Priority Deletions Priority 5/28/01 Budget How you will measure that these benefits have been achieved Justification for each effort or activity, in terms of value or benefit to CPMT members, CPMT Society, or the components, packaging, and manufacturing technology professions What can still be done with the funding amount in the Discussion Budget How you will measure that this benefits have been achieved What value and benefits can still be delivered with the Discussion Budget funding 1.The numbered priority in which you would add efforts or activities (1. = add first) if the budget for this line item could be increased 1.For each numbered addition what increase of value and benefits will result from this addition 1.The numbered priority in which you would delete efforts or activities (1. = delete first) if the budget needed to be further reduced 1.The impact of deferral (by number) 1.For each numbered deletion what loss of value and benefits will result from this deletion Can we do in 2003? Description and scope of proposed efforts and activities Connie Swager Marketing Committee 1.The impact of deferral (by number)
lmp1528 Motion: To approve the CPMT 2002 budget shown by the “Revised Proposed” column of spreadsheet “02BoG1515.xls”.
lmp1528 Motion: To approve “Deletions Ranking List” of priority in which line items will be reduced or removed from the above budget as necessary to obtain IEEE approval.
lmp1528 Deletions Priority Worksheet
lmp1528 Motion: To approve “Additions Ranking List” of priority in which line items will be added to the above budget within approval constraints received from IEEE.
lmp1528 Additions Priority Worksheet