SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 1 Get ready to work on practice problems 1. Create a directory and subdirectory on your computer named C:\StudentData\SW318_Spring_ Download and install the Microsoft.Net Framework Version 1.1 on your computer. See: How to Get the.NET Framework 1.1How to Get the.NET Framework Download the program, the data files, and the problem sets to the C:\StudentData\SW318_Spring_2004 directory on your computer. 4. Open the C:\StudentData\SW318_Spring_2004 folder on your computer and click on DoPracticeProblems.exe. 5. When DoPracticeProblems.exe starts running on your computer, it will show an Open File dialog window.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 2 How to use Practice Problems tool: Open problem set Select a problem set and click Open
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 3 How to use Practice Problems tool: Solve practice problems First, read a question, look at SPSS data or output, and select your answer. Second, click on Show Correct Answer button to see the right answer.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 4 How to use Practice Problems tool: Instructor’s feedback Second, check whether your answer is right and read carefully the instructor’s comment on this problem. First, click on the Feedback tab to see feedback for the question
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 5 How to use Practice Problems tool: Next problem To go to the next problem, first click on the Problem tab. Second, click on Next Problem button to go to the next question.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 6 How to use Practice Problems tool: Save your answers First, click on File and then Save answers to save your answers. Second, select a directory, type a file name for your answer set and click on Save button.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 7 How to use Practice Problems tool: Load your saved answers First, click on File and then Load answers. Second, select the saved answer file and click on Open button. The answers you saved will be marked on the problems.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 8 How to use Practice Problems tool: Tracking your progress To see how you are doing or have done on the problem set, click on the Grade tab. The program keeps track of how many problems are in the set, the number you have answered, and the number you have marked correctly.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 9 Install SPSS in your computer Insert a SPSS CD included in your text book to your CD-ROM driver in your computer. It will automatically prompt you to installation window. Click on “Install SPSS Student Version ” button in the installation window. Follow direction and complete the installation.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 10 How to start SPSS Method 1 Double click “SPSS” icon in your desktop. Method 2 Click on “Start” in the menu bar on your desktop. Click on “SPSS” and start SPSS. Method 3 Double-click on “My Computer” in your desktop, “Local Disk (C:)”, “Program Files”, “SPSS”, and “spsswin” in order.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 11 Open dataset for Class 1 You will see the following window if you start SPSS successfully. Click OK.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 12 Open dataset for Class 2 You will see this Open File window superposed on SPSS main window. First, locate the SW318_Spring_2004 folder under “C:\StudentData\”. Second, select the GSS2002_PrejucideAndAltruism file and click on Open.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 13 Explore SPSS: Data View Variable names There are two view windows in SPSS. Let’s click on variable view. When you open a SPSS data file, you will see a window like this.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 14 Explore SPSS: Variable View Variable name Variable label Value label Missing values
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 15 Explore SPSS: Menu bar Menu bar provides many varieties using a pop-down method. By clicking Menu bar, you can find almost all of SPSS capabilities. For example, if you want to open an existing SPSS data file, you first click on File in the menu bar, then you will see a pop-down menu bar with a number of options. Then, you click on Open, and Data. For simplicity, this process can be rewritten by: File > Open > Data This is a convention you will see throughout this semester. In this convention, a Menu (or Command) will be bolded and Italicized.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 16 Explore SPSS: Tool bar Tool bar items provide a quick and easy way to do tasks that you like to do with SPSS.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 17 Self-learning Material In the SPSS installation window, click on “Access the Pine Forge Documents”. Click on “SPSS Appendix: How to Use a Statistical Package” at the bottom to the right. Review the PDF document. It provides a good warm-up material.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 18 Level of Measurement (Nominal): Do Practice Problems Note that SPSS variable name is in square brackets (e.g., [marital]) throughout this Practice Problem.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 19 Level of Measurement (Nominal): Using SPSS 1 Second, click on a cell in Values column and then a gray square button. First, find the variable name in square brackets, i.e., [marital]
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 20 Level of Measurement (Nominal): Using SPSS 2 Now, examine values assigned to individual numbers. Variable [marital] is a nominal variable b/c there is no order between categories. In other words, even if we change the numbering scheme for the value label, it would not make any difference in the meaning. Thus, “marital status” [marital] is a nominal variable.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 21 Level of Measurement (Ordinal): Do Practice Problems We are interested in the level of measurement of the variable [givblood], which is “frequency of donating blood in the past 12 months”. Again, note that the variable name is in square brackets. Let’s look at SPSS variable view.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 22 Level of Measurement (Ordinal): Using SPSS 1 Use scroll bar to find the variable, [givblood].
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 23 Level of Measurement (Ordinal): Using SPSS 2 Variable [givblood] is an ordinal variable b/c numbers are assigned to frequency values that are rank- ordered from less to more frequent. In other words, numbers have meanings (i.e., the larger the number is, the more frequently the respondent donated blood in the past 12 months.)
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 24 Level of Measurement (Interval): Do Practice Problems Now, we are interested in the level of measurement of the variable “age” [age]. Again, note that the variable name is in square brackets. Let’s look at SPSS variable view.
SW318 Social Work Statistics Slide 25 Level of Measurement (Interval): Using SPSS In the Value Labels window for [age], there are only two value labels which are for missing values. Variable [age] is an interval variable b/c [age] values were measured in a way that has a rank-order and the unit differences were precisely measured and constant (i.e., a year).