1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 1 Data Management Procedures Preview of software used in ICCS Michael Jung, IEA Data Processing Center
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 2 The Aim of this Presentation General introduction to the software used in ICCS How can countries benefit from the software provided by DPC? Outline of the tasks that Data Managers (DM) have to do
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 3 Contents WinW3S - Within-School Sampling Software WinDEM – Data Entry Manager SurveySystem – Online Data Collection Software Common Aspects Timeline
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 4 WinW3S - Within-School Sampling Software
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 5 WinW3S Management tool for all ICCS within-school sampling operations Identifies the participating schools, classes, teachers and students Creates a hierarchical ID system + passwords for ODC Samples classrooms + teachers Assigns booklets to the students Assigns questionnaires to the students, teachers and school principals Produces and prints all forms and labels
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 6 WinW3S Process Workflow School Sample Files from DPC Import Select schools for participation Sample classes, create Student and Teacher Listing Forms + send to school Request number of classes Tracking Students +Teachers Enter listed students and teachers in WinW3S Create Student and Teacher Tracking Forms Create labels, prepare booklets and questionnaires + send to school Send to DPCExport Enter participation status Tracking Schools Assign booklets to students and sample teachers
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 7 WinW3S – New Project
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 8 WinW3S – School Participation
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 9 WinW3S – Main View
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 10 WinW3S – Student Editor
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 11 WinW3S – Teacher Editor
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 12 WinW3S – Label Dialog
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 13 WinDEM – Data Entry Manager
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 14 WinDEM Provides mask for data entry from booklets and paper questionnaires Fueld by codebooks (structure files) provided by DPC Allows adaptation of codebooks Validates data during data entry Provides various data verification checks after data entry Allows for comparison of double-entered data Imports/exports RAW, SAS and SPSS files
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 15 WinDEM Process Workflow International Codebooks from DPC Make necessary adaptations to codebooks (e.g. nationally defined variables) Create new data files Enter data from booklets and questionnaires into WinDEM data files Test Administration Double entry of data by separate person in separate data files Run internal WinDEM checks + check against WinW3S (Linkcheck) Send to DPC Run WinDEM double punching check Revise data, if necessary
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 16 WinDEM: Codebook – Variable Definition I
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 17 WinDEM: Codebook – Variable Definition II
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 18 WinDEM: Data Entry – Main View
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 19 SurveySystem – ODC Software
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 20 SurveySystem Designer Used to convert (not translate!) questionnaires for the Internet Fuelled by international structure and resource files provided by DPC in English Definitions are based on cultures, usage is based on roles Knows about structure of questionnaires and both all text passages as well as all “system” resources Allows for adaptation of valid ranges, additional or deleted national questions, categories etc. Creates WinDEM codebooks including all adaptations Includes a preview system that displays the survey exactly as the end users will see it
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 21 SurveySystem Process Workflow Layout approval from ISC (paper version) Make necessary adaptations (valid ranges, nationally defined questions) Copy and paste all translations from Word to SurveySystem Verify accurate conversion (with the preview) within country Export definitions Export CodebooksSend to DPC SurveySystem input files from DPC Wait for comments or approval from DPC Make revisions, if any DPC sets up survey for the Internet
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 22 SurveySystem – Main View
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 23 SurveySystem – Example (Matrix)
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 24 SurveySystem – “Translation” not applicable, no translation needed translated not translated, but needs to be translated Copy-and-Paste here
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 25 SurveySystem – System Resources Editor
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 26 SurveySystem - Preview
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 27 Common Aspects
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 28 Common Aspects All software products are designed to run on Windows 2000 and XP (Home or Pro) workstations May work on Windows 95/98, but no longer supported No support for Mac OS 9 or X, Linux etc. All install per default to “c:\program files\IEA\...” No true network and multi-user support, but merge features exist for WinW3S and WinDEM All software documented in Survey Operations Manuals
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 29 Timeline
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 30 Timeline Adaptation of software for the ICCS field trial will start soon Training for all software will be provided at the Data Management Seminar in Hamburg, ~July 2007 Software will be released well in time before the particular survey phase: WinW3S and SurveySystem (if used) first, WinDEM for data entry last Separate, revised versions will be provided for the main data collection in 2008 (Southern Hemisphere) / 2009 (Northern Hemisphere)
1st NRC Meeting, October 2006, Amsterdam 31 Thank you very much for your attention.