Lesson three
1. The sun. 2. friction.
It is a method to generate heat as a principle of converting the kinetic energy (mechanical energy) into heat energy. The production of heat:- Mechanical energy change into heat energy by friction. Kinetic energy change to heat energy be friction.
It is a form of energy which is transferred from the object of higher temperature to that of lower one. The temperature:- It is the heat condition which state the direction of heat energy whether from or to the object when it comes in cannot with another.
It is the transfer of heat through solids from the part of higher temperature to the part of lower temperature.
It is transfer of heat in gases and liquid,where hot molecules which have less density rise up words ,while colder molecules which have more density fall down.
It is the transfer of heat from hot object to another without any need for material medium through which heat transfers.
The electric heater is placed at the bottom of the room. When air around the heater is heated, its density decreases so, it rise up to the room, while the colder air falls down to be heated again and so on. The heat of the sun does not reach to ground by convection or conduction. it is not transferred by convection,because there is vacuum between the sun and the air and it is not transferred by conduction because the air is bad conductor of heat.
Some of these application work by:- The solar energy(permanent resource of energy). The petro (non-permanent resource of energy). the electricity (a renewable resource of energy).
The effect on the environment. The kind of energy resource. The resource of energy depending on it. The device Non-pollutedrenewable electricity Electric heater: Water heater: Non-pollutedpermanent The sun Solar heater: Non-pollutedrenewable electricity Electric stove: pollutedNon- renewable Petroleum derivation Gas or petrol stove: pollutedNon- renewable Natural gas Gas oven: pollutedNon - renewable coal Coal fire