Done by : Salwa Maghrabi Teacher assistant Nursing department Venipuncture Done by : Salwa Maghrabi Teacher assistant Nursing department
Out line Definition of venipuncture. Site of Venipuncture In appropriate site for Venipuncture Complication of Venipuncture Procedure.
Objectives Identify venipuncture . List the site of venipuncture . List the in appropriate site for venipuncture . List the complication of venipuncture . Understand venipuncture procedure .
Definition: The process of obtaining intravenous access for the purpose of intravenous therapy or obtaining a sample of venous blood.
Site of Venipuncture 1- Median cubical vein. 2- Cephalic vein. 3- Basilic vein.
Anatomy of veins over the hands and feet
Main Veins of the Arm
Superficial veins of the legs
In appropriate site for Venipuncture 1- Arm on side of Mastectomy. 2- Edematous areas. 3- Hematomas.
4- Arm in which blood is being transfused. 5- Scarred areas. 6- Arms with fistulas or vascular grafts. 7- Sites above an IV cannula.
Complication of Venipuncture Local and systemic infections. Phlebitis. Thrombus. Air Embolism. Accidental insertion into an artery. Bleeding if disconnected. Extravasations
Procedure: Equipment : 1- Tourniquet . 2- Disposable gloves . 3- Antiseptic swab ( alcohol swab ) .
Cont’ Equipment : 4- Cannula . 5- Normal saline solution. 6- Tap . 7- Transparent IV dressing. 8- Three way stop cock.
Preparatory Phase 1- Prepare the equipment . 2- Hand washing . 3- Explain the procedure to the patient. 4- Maintain the patient privacy. 5- Select a site for insertion . 6- Apply tourniquet 5 to 7 cm above the insertion site .
Cont’ preparatory phase 7- Have the patient to open and close his fist several time . 8- Clean the site with alcohol swab.
Performance Phase 1- Remove the needle guard . 2- Hold the patient arm so your thumb is positioned approximately 2 inch from the site. 3- Insert the needle, bevel up , through the skin at an angle .
Cont’ Performance Phase 4- When the needle is inserted inside the vein , lower the cannula to the skin level. 5- Advance the cannula 0.5 to 1.5 cm in to the vein .
Cont’ Performance Phase 6- Pull back on needle to separate needle from the catheter about 0.25 cm and advance the catheter into the vein.
Cont’ Performance Phase 7- Apply pressure on the vein beyond the catheter tip , release the tourniquet and slowly remove the needle . 8- immediately connect the three way stop cock and flush the catheter to make sure that the canula is intact .
Cont’ Performance Phase 9- Apply the transparent IV dressing and adhesive tap to secure the cannula . 10- label the strip of tape with an arrow indicating : The date The time . The nurse initial signature .
Follow up phase Assess the site of IV cannula insertion for sign of hematoma , bleeding , or any complication . Monitor patency of the cannula by flushing it with 2-1 ml normal saline . Standard dwell time for a short peripheral catheter is 3 days . Nursing documentation on the patient file .