NROC Advisor Summit SUMMARY October 9-11, 2007 MNSCU, St Paul Course Swapping State-ROCs Meta data Growing NROC Networking Co-developing Sharing
Participants Post-Secondary Iowa Community College Online Consortium Theresa Ziegler Minnesota State Colleges and University System Deborah Proctor Dennis Kronebusch St. Petersburg College, FL Alan Shapiro UT TeleCampus, TX Michael Anderson Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Liz Glowa Secondary Colorado Online Learning Chris Rapp Kentucky Virtual High School Linda Pittenger Jennifer Carroll Michigan Virtual High School Bob Currie Scott Vashaw Omaha Public Schools Mary Schlegelmilch Mike Meier Minnesota Public Schools Online Renee Jesness
Three Days together… Tuesday, October 9: MNSCU Offices 3:00 Opening Session: Stories from Around the NROC Network 4:45 Preview of our Agenda 5:00 Directly to dinner Wednesday, October 10: MNSCU Offices 8:45 Arrive at MNSCU meeting room 9:00 NROC Evolution: Discussion 10:15 Break 10:45 NROC Content: Availability, Usage 12:00 Lunch on Site: Networking 1:00 Growing the NROC Library 1:45 Funding Course Development 2:15 Break 2:30 Work Groups- Course Dev Activities 4:00 Adjourn 7:00 Dinner Thursday, October 11: Hilton Garden Inn 8:30 Synthesis from Wednesday meeting 9:00 NROC Network: Prof Development 9:30 Value Proposition Activity 10:30 Planning 2008 NROC Members’ Mtg 11:30 Next Steps 12:00 Wrap
Sharing Stories & Priorities
NROC Value Where we’ve come from, where we want to go… Balancing creative tension… sustaining the network providing open education resources adding new courses increasing inter-institutional collaborations
What’s on members’ agenda: Access, Content and Collaboration WANTED: increased usage meta-data basics for LOR’s CMS user groups transitional courses textbook alternatives (open), accessibility requirements (CAST, priority 1) COURSE DEVELOPMENT - specify Rules of engagement for organizations Expectations of course quality Project management
Content Needs… Subjects: Basic Math and English English Lit & Comp World Languages Vocational, Career Tech Chemistry Transitional courses Features: Meta data - establish NROC set Map to 21st Century Skills Consider “At Risk” students Big Ideas: - Set Up “course swap” process between members - (State)ROC - each member state/agency has its own custom view into NROC, allows state customization, swapping
Membership Conference Ideas: Gather leaders, teachers (2-3/member per org) Course swap meets Share NROC experiences Networking Hands-on course modification, development Course and CMS groups Member presentations in NROC context - teaching online, - using web 2.0 tools HS-College collaborations Timing: Early Fall 2008 Tack-on to another conference No perfect meeting match/HS+College Members to help plan Additional suggestions… Monthly Member/Advisor web meetings -members submit requests for agenda -1st on course swapping -prof dev about teach online with NROC Spring Advisor meeting in California Conference member gatherings Planning
Next Steps Develop course swapping strategy Pilot course development funding model (2ary?) Schedule monthly member webinars Start planning member conference Establish single CMS/LOR discussion at Network Develop collaborative grant proposals Establish basic NROC meta-data set Simplify NROC Network online community Develop more training for online teachers Communicate distinct NROC values for Institutional Members including extended HippoCampus features for members