By Laura Goddard, Tyler Gilheany, Isobel lerpiniere & Samara Keifer
One day Bridie's world was changed forever. Bridie’s mother, father, new born sister and brother died because of the great hungry and there was nothing to feed the village, Bridie and her brother were the only one’s left in there family. They were left to suffer in Ireland alone with only a loaf of bread in there pockets. Bridie and Brandon found a workhouse were they would work to earn food. But when they got to the work house Brandon and Bridie got separated and they weren't aloud to see each other. Bridie made friends with a girl called Catlin, one day offer came in to go to Australia and live and work and they would earn 8 pounds ( 8 dollars) a year. But Bridie had to leave Brandon behind and she wouldn’t be able to see him until she was married and was able to travel. They would only be able to send mail.
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