First a huge thank you I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for a great party last weekend! Special thanks to Jack and Linda Thompson for hosting, Steve Polcyn for planning and Bill Ferguson for a very amusing skit. I hope all that attended enjoyed it as much as I did, thanks again.
Rotary International Convention
2011 – 2012 Rotary Club of Alamo Officers and Board of Directors Club Board Quorum = 7 President – Chris Suter President Elect & Membership – John Jones Vice President – Chuck Ortmeyer Club Treasurer – Jim Schuppert Secretary – Karen McPherson Rotary Foundation – Brad Gai Community Service Chairperson – Dick Olsen International Service – Vishwas More Youth Service – Beth Randall Immediate Past President – Steve Polcyn At Large – Jack Thompson At Large – Al Makely At Large – Bill Randall
Rotary Club of Alamo Foundation Board of Directors Foundation Board Quorum = 5 Chairperson – Chris Suter Vice Chairperson – John Jones Secretary – Karen McPherson Club Treasurer – Jim Schuppert Community Service Chairperson – Dick Olsen Foundation Treasurer – Jeff Cheney At Large – Beth Randall At Large – Steve Polcyn At Large – Brad Gai
Accomplishments for Thanks to the combined efforts of the Club membership, we had a very successful year. Here are some highlights
Community Service Director Dick Olsen Dick orchestrated a marathon effort to improve the landscape at the Stone Valley/I-680 interchange in Alamo. Even though the real hands on work has yet to start, a huge amount of effort and preparation has already occurred. The delays are very frustrating, but are primarily due to Freeway construction. We should hopefully get hands on work started this summer.
Community Service Project coordinator Steve Polcyn Rotacare Pittsburg has been a huge success. The Clinic as seen more than 1100 patients, most living below the Federal poverty level. Free Pharmaceuticals have been distributed to patients Free MRI and CAT Scans provided Follow-up medical care with long term care recommendations.
Alamo Music Festival Chuck Ortmeyer and John Jones Another highly successful AMF occurred last year. We initiated a process of two co-chairs with one dropping off and one continuing each year, to assure continuity year to year.
Easter Egg Hunt J.P. Furber The Easter Egg Hunt, the shortest event we do. 2 months to plan the event 4 hours to stuff the eggs, 2 hours to put out the eggs 4 minutes for the kids to find all the eggs!
Meals on Wheels Don Morton Don and a number of other members continued our long standing commitment to Meals on Wheels. This program would not be the same without their continued dedication
Youth/New Generations Director Beth Randall Beth and the Monte Vista Interact Club have done numerous hands on projects in the local and greater bay area communities. In addition they have participated in an International project, supporting an orphanage in India
International Director Vishwas More Vish has put together the largest grant in the history of Alamo Rotary. By combining the funds of Alamo Rotary, several other area Rotary Clubs, and some significant local contributions, Vish was able to get a matching grant from District The combined local and District monies were combined with funds from Rotary Clubs in India, to allow a Rotary International grant for $156,500.
Programs Alan Fahrenkrog Alan organized our speakers all year long. We had great interesting programs. Great job.
Public Relations Al Makely This year we have received a significant amount of good publicity, mostly from Alamo Today, but in some cases other publications as well. The publicity for the Alamo Music Festival as well as the Easter Egg hunt resulted in highly successful events
Membership Membership was handled by John Jones. We had targeted a net membership increase of two We actually inducted five new members and a sixth member starting July 1 st. Overall we achieved our goal and did not exceed the guidelines set at the fireside meeting, where the decision was to remain approximately the same size
Education Carolyn Thiessen Carolyn arranged the Educator and Student of the Year Awards. She handled the Library Books for Alamo School.
Alamo Oak Newsletter Jan Robinson – John Jones – Chuck Ortmeyer The newsletter was outstanding this year, we have a great record of out weekly meetings in a format that is both informative and pleasing. Thanks to each of you for your efforts
Foundation Rick Buxton has once again provided stellar leadership, making Alamo Rotary the highest per capita club in annual giving in the 680 corridor. He always makes sure we meet our definition of the “Can Do Club” and have full participation in the Rotary Foundation
The Alamo Rotary Foundation Brad Gai and Jeff Cheney The Alamo Rotary Foundation has been able to fulfill all of our planned giving this year. This is due to the hard work of the ARF, to make sure we have the resources but do not exceed our financial ability We were also able to enhance our endowment by 18%. Admittedly this fund is not large, but moving money into the fund was a priority this year
Club Secretary Secretary Karen McPherson The Club Secretary is a difficult and time consuming job. Karen has done a great job maintaining the minutes of the Club and Foundation Boards as well as managing all the required information with the District and Rotary International
Recognitions Ben Mullally Ben has been our fine-master for the past year. Due to his efforts all of our wallets were a little lighter, but it was all for a good cause. He kept our Club budget in the black, which is no mean feat today!
Club Treasurer Our Club Treasurer has done a stellar job of maintaining the finances of the Club We ended the year with sufficient funds to move into next year with a positive balance and reserves Great Job
Not as successful One of this years goals was to improve communication between the members and the Board. I do not think we hit the mark in this area and the Club will continue to strive for improvement. Another goal was to obtain a central storage facility for Alamo Rotary assets. After extensive searching and exploring ideas, this issue remains unresolved. All the options were either impractical or too costly, we will keep looking, in the hope of finding something
Last but not least I really enjoyed being the President for the past year. I cannot thank you enough for your support. It has been a fun ride, now it is time to throw our collective support behind our new President John Jones!!!
Rotary Club of Alamo Goals and Objectives For the WHOLE club Objective: We will strive to make every meeting and event as much fun as possible. Goal: HAVE FUN! I did, I hope you did too!