Conceptual Physics THURSDAY September 2 nd, 2010 LESSON GOALS: Turn-in Energy Transformations labquest Complete Drinking Bird Lab Analyze Drinking Bird (an example of a Heat Engine) Brainstorm “Energy” topics Organize brainstorming into useful notes 1/10
HWMK Check! This homework grade is based on correctness. Get out the Energy Transformations labquest and turn it in. Next class we will be going over the answers to this labquest as part of our lesson. 2/10
The Famous Drinking Bird 3/10 Observation: “…you come up with one!...” Question, Hypothesis, Experiment, Result w/ Conclusion… The main purpose of this lab is to gain practice with using the Scientific Method. Importantly, this lab experience also helps us to transition into Energy concepts. The Drinking Bird is a “thought-provoking stimulus.” In other words, you can ask any number of questions about it (especially if you can get it to “drink”). Choose an observation your group makes about the Drinking Bird, and go through the steps of the scientific method to ask a question, form a hypothesis, and so forth. Each group has the chance to have a unique approach to this lab exercise. Materials needed: drinking bird toy, cup of water; testing environment. This lab should be done in groups of 3 or 4. On a piece of paper, title your lab “Drinking Bird Lab” and make sure that I can identify it as your work. This paper will include a record of all lab steps, observations, and findings and will serve as your lab report (which is turned in for grading at the end of the class period).
How the Drinking Bird Works! I did not make a fancy graphic animation for this one, yet…so I will do these notes on the board. 4/10
A Bit of Humor 5/10
Brainstorming 6/10 “What words/phrases do you think of when you hear the word Energy”? Here is what the class came up with: (do in groups, first) PowerHeatFuelSolarWindmillsRadiation Electrical Wave Fossil Fuels Motion Geothermal Hydroelectric Chemical Combustion (Non-)Renewable Nuclear Conservation Photosynthesis Mechanical Kinetic Potential Thermal Energy Gravity Work SoundForce Momentum Microbial (small biology) Friction Phase Change Stored Batteries
Brainstorming Organized! 7/10 Let’s organize your brainstorming into useful notes (with perhaps some additions and omissions, as necessary) Definitions: Force: A push or a pull…. “a way to transfer Energy” Work: Force “times” displacement Power: Work done over a period of time Efficiency: How well Energy is used to do Work (friction is important!) Thermal Energy: Kinetic Energy of particles of a substance (small scale) Wave: another way to transfer Energy Types of Energy: Mechanical Kinetic Energy (Energy of Motion), Gravitational Potential Energy, and Elastic Potential Energy (Energy stored in an elastic/springy material) Chemical Potential Energy (batteries, explosives, fossil fuels, food; does it burn) Electrical (Potential—“Voltage”…Kinetic—“Current”) Radiant Energy (Solar, ex. Photosynthesis, “light”) Nuclear (fission, fusion, decay processes, other important names)…basically a change in a nucleus
Recommended Reading: Sections 5.7 – 5.12 (Same old same old) 8/10
Poem: Energy is Boring, by D. LaFazia 9/10 I learned today in science class, of the most boring thing! Energy total does not change, but rather stays the same! It may transform by changing type, Or be transferred from place to place, But never is it made again, or destroyed......which can be a hard fact to face. I learned today in science class, of the most boring thing! Energy total does not change, but rather stays the same! Things that move must have Kinetic, But it does not stop there. To be a learned scientist, Of the Potentials be aware. I learned today in science class, of the most boring thing! Energy total does not change, but rather stays the same! I now know that an object, Is not as simple as it seems. And Thermal is to Kinetic, As ointments are to creams. I learned today in science class, of the most boring thing! Energy total does not change, but rather stays the same! It seems that Electrical can be looked at In this way and in that. Oh thank goodness that Total Energy, Has a graph that's always flat! I learned today in science class, of the most boring thing! Energy total does not change, but rather stays the same! I hope that I can keep in mind, The different things I've learned. Who ever thought of all these terms, My thanks has certainly earned! I learned so many types and forms, and ways they are the same! Good gracious it's a mercy, that Total Energy's so lame!
Looking Ahead: 10/10 Next class we will review the solutions to the Energy Transformations labquest which was assigned as HMWK #2 (and which you turned in for grading, today, incidentally). We will also begin our quantitative (numbers-based) approach to Energy Conservation by looking at some useful equations for important Energy types.