Energy, Heat, Temperature State of atmosphere governed by thermodynamics 1st Law: Internal energy = heat + work 2nd Law: systems tend toward more disorder Heat is energy transfer Temperature is related to internal energy
Heat (Energy Transfer) Radiation Penetrates further into water than soil Conduction & Convection Depend on material Governed by temperature gradients Called sensible heating Conduction is transfer through static material Convection is bulk motion of matter
Phase Changes Fusion: solid ↔ liquid Vaporization: liquid ↔ gas Sublimation: solid ↔ gas H2O changes give rise to latent heating Take in heat at surface Release heat at altitude (visibly manifested as clouds) Can move great distances (1000 km) in process
Heat Capacity & Latent Heat Heat capacity is ability to store energy Latent heat is energy required to change phase
Weather is Response to Heat Imbalances
Bowen Ratio R = radiation absorbed H = sensible heating LE = latent heating G = energy stored in ground Explain the differences