Pediatric Surgery Omar M. Rashid Dan Parrish Roman Meyliker 5/5/2012 – 5/11/2012
ATTDRESDATEPATIENTPROCEDUREINDICATION LangeRashid5/05/12ECMO Respiratory failure, Type IV Laryngotracheoesop hageal cleft LangeGuliani5/06/12 Lap appy appendicitis LangeLanningOiticicaBagwellRashid5/07/12Right VATS, Esophagoscopy, Bronchoscopy, Left Thoracotomy, excision of bronchogenic cyst, conversion of Type IV to Type II Laryngotracheoesopha geal cleft with creation of distal neotrachea and neoesophagus with interposing thymus flap Type IV laryngotracheoesop hageal cleft
ATTDRESDATEPATIENTPROCEDUREINDICATION OiticicaParrish5/07/12 Colostomy take down with anal dilatation Colostomy h/o imperforate anus HaynesParrish5/07/12Right inguinal hernia repair, hernioscopyRIH HaynesParrish5/07/12 Bilateral inguinal hernia repair Bilateral hernias HaynesParrish5/07/12 Lap Appy Appendicitis HaynesParrish5/07/12 Appendicitis LanningRashid5/08/12 Portacath placement Postural orthostatic tachycardia requiring frequent saline infusions LanningRashid5/08/12 EUA, Excision of anorectal polyps Tenesmus, anorectal polyps (hyperplastic)
ATTDRESDATEPATIENTPROCEDUREINDICATION LanningRashid5/8/12 Rigid esophagoscopy, removal of coin Esophageal foreign body LangeRashidParrish5/8/12 Incision of Right thigh wound, debridement of necrotic tissue Right thigh wound infection OiticicaRashid5/9/12 Ex Lap, LOA, SBR, enterotomy repair, G- Jtube placement, tapering duodenoplasty Short Gut syndrome s/p STEP with ectactic dysfunctional duodenum (megaduodenum) and proximal jejunum with partial SBO BagwellMeyliker5/10/12 Removal of Broviac End of chemotherapy for wilms tumor
ATTDRESDATEPATIENTPROCEDUREINDICATION BagwellRashid5/10/12 Rigid esophagoscopy, removal of coin Esophageal foreign body BagwellParrish5/10/12 Rigid esophagoscopy, removal of coin Esophageal foreign body BagwellRashidParrish5/10/12 Washout of open wound second look, debridement of necrotic tissue Wound infection HaynesRashid5/11/12 Washout of open wound third look, application of wound vac Wound infection HaynesRashid5/11/12 Right hydrocelectomy Right hydrocele
ATTDRESDATEPATIENTPROCEDUREINDICATION HaynesRashid5/11/12 Removal of Broviac Central access no longer indicated LanningParrish5/11/12 Lap Appy Appendicitis LangeParrish5/11/12 Left inguinal hernia repair Left inguinal hernia
ATTDRESDATEPATIENTPROCEDURESCOMPLICATIONS FerradaWilliamsKaspar5/4/12 Washout of open wound, closure Readmission, wound infection OiticicaRashid5/9/12 Ex Lap, LOA, SBR, enterotomy repair, G-Jtube placement, tapering duodenoplasty enterotomy COMPLICATIONS