By Chloe Wu (x )
Source: The Analysis of the Residential Property Price Register 2012
The report is done by comparing the asking price and closing price on 6500 properties, it shows that residential homes are selling 10% lower than the asking price. The Central Statistics Office reported that there is a 0.5% increase in August(the biggest since 2007). Last month, Sherry FitzGerald reported that second-hand properties were up 1.2% in the three months to September.
Causes Problems Benefit New Publication: -Residential Property Price Register.
Causes: High unemployment - if people are unemployed they do not buy houses and seller will have to lower prices in order to attract buyers. Burst bubble - when house prices have gone too far too fast which the prices are overvalued, they can go down.
Problems: House Price Falls Negative Equity Inflation Interest Rate High Wage Rate Low Cut Down Jobs Unemployment
Benefits: More houses were sold - according to The Sunday Business Post, there are nearly €2 billion worth of property sold nationwide in the first six months of 2012 More people will be able to buy houses - as the prices has gone down people are able to buy houses.
Residential Property Price Register: Information on residential properties purchased in Ireland since the 1st January It contains details of all residential sales. i.e. The price, date of sale and address of each residential property sold in Ireland. No details of the type of property, the number of bedrooms or bathrooms.