Foundations of Interpersonal Communication Chapter 8 Foundations of Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal Climate The overall feeling between people that arises largely out of the ways people communicate with each other
Self-disclosure Revealing personal information about ourselves that others are unlikely to discover on their own
The Johari Window
Self-disclosure and Closeness Should take place gradually and with caution Disclosures are more frequent early in relationships Fosters trust and comfort When closeness declines, so do disclosures
Levels of Confirmation and Disconfirmation Recognition Acknowledgment Endorsement
Defensive and Supportive Climates evaluation certainty strategy control neutrality superiority Supportive description provisionalism spontaneity problem orientation empathy equality
Evaluation versus Description describe behavior without judgment “I” language “This report doesn’t include background information.” Evaluation judgments, value terms “You” language “This report is poorly done.”
Certainty versus Provisionalism absolute, dogmatic ethnocentrism “You’re making a big mistake by purchasing that boat.” Provisionalism tentativeness open to other points of view “Perhaps you should look a little more before you settle for a boat that expensive.”
Strategy versus Spontaneity pre-planned goal, hidden agenda manipulation “Remember when I helped you with your math last term?” Spontaneity open, honest, uncontrived “I really need your help with this computer glitch”
Control versus Problem Orientation find answers that satisfy everyone “Is there anything you can do differently so that you get home on time?” Control dominance “If you come home late again, you’re grounded.”
Neutrality versus Empathy lack of concern detached, withdrawn “I don't care what your problems are, get this job done by the end of the day.” Empathy involved seeks understanding “What difficulties would you encounter if you tried to complete this job today?”
Superiority versus Equality “one up” attitude “Eat everything on your plate because I’m the mom and I say so.” Equality respect equivalent status “Perhaps we have a problem here; can we work it out?”
Conflict Conflict exits when people who depend on each other have different views, interests, or goals and perceive their differences as incompatible
Conflict in Relationships Conflict may be overt or covert overt People express differences in a straightforward manner covert Partners deny or camouflage disagreement or anger and express it indirectly
Conflict in Relationships (cont’d) Conflict may be managed well or poorly Conflicts of interest Conflict orientation Conflict responses Conflict outcomes
The Exit-Voice-Loyalty-Neglect Model
Conflict in Relationships (cont’d) Conflict reflects and expresses cultures and social communities Conflict may be good for individuals and relationships
Sustaining Healthy Climates Actively use communication to shape climates Accept and confirm others Accept and confirm yourself Self-disclose when appropriate Respect diversity in relationships closeness in dialogue closeness in the doing
Websites The Johari Window Interpersonal Communication Rubric The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution Assertiveness Training
More Websites FAQS About Workplace Conflict Centre for Conflict Resolution International Communicating With and About People with Disabilities U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy
Video Cloudy Climate PLAY VIDEO