Article Of The Month
Article 17 Every child has the right to reliable information from television, radio, newspapers and other types of communication. It should be safe information that children can understand.
Understand? I found that quite difficult to understand... I’ll try again.
Article 17 Every child has the right to information that is true. Every child has the right to information that is safe.
Communication is very important to everyone! So everyone has the right to send and receive messages!
People have always needed to send messages to other people who are far away!
But how do people communicate with some one who is too far away to hear them?
Thousands of years ago people would send messages by making smoke signals
Native Americans used smoke signals
Rich people could pay for a horse messenger to share information over a long distance.
During the Victorian times people started to use postmen because the first stamp was invented.
Morse Code was very useful for sending messages from one boat to another
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. At first they were only for rich people.
Thinking Time!!! How many different ways of communicating with some one far away can you think of?
Article 17 Every child has the right to information that is true.
Well we have seen there are lots of ways of getting information and communicating with each other! Don’t Forget..... BE E-SAFE
Can anybody tell me what was special about Wednesday afternoon? What was different?
Hmmm. What would it be like with no power? How easy would it be to communicate?
Article 17 Every child has the right to reliable information from television, radio, newspapers and other types of communication. It should be safe information that children can understand. Article 17 Every child has the right to information that is safe and true.