Work Smarter… Not Harder Katie Schmitt, S-RIP Adapted from: Rob Horner and Michele Wackman
Form a team to develop an implementation plan Commonly with new initiatives, we:
Few resources, staff, & time Duplication of effort with other initiatives & programs Lack of clarity regarding purpose and outcomes Lack of priority Challenges
Working Smarter Identify committees within your schoolIdentify purposes, outcomes, target groups, and staff Address, evaluate, and restructure committees and initiatives to address school improvement plan Integrate SW-PBIS into existing committees and initiatives
Our next activity is designed to identify committees in your school. Is there overlap or duplication of effort? Are many of the same people serving on different committees? Working smarter not harder; how can we make this happen? Outline committees and identify the purpose of those committees Who do they address? Can some of these committees be collapsed or merged? Are there committees that deserve added support?
Prioritizing and Integrating Initiatives: Work Smarter Appendix B – Pages
Initiative, Project, Committee PurposeOutcome Target Group Staff on team SIP/SID Attendance Committee Character Education Safety Committee School Spirit Committee Discipline Committee DARE Committee EBS Work Group Working Smarter Matrix File available in Cohort 10 Dropbox and online at with S-RIP training documents.
Initiative, Committee PurposeOutcomeTarget Group Staff on team SIP/SID Attendance Committee Increase attendance Increase % of students attending daily All studentsEric, Ellen, Marlee Goal #2 Character Education Improve character All studentsMarlee, J.S., Ellen Goal #3 Safety CommitteeImprove safetyPredictable response to threat/crisis Dangerous students Has not metGoal #3 School Spirit Committee Enhance school spirit Improve moraleAll studentsHas not met Discipline Committee Improve behaviorDecrease office referralsBullies, antisocial students, repeat offenders Ellen, Eric, Marlee, Otis Goal #3 DARE CommitteePrevent drug useHigh/at-risk drug users Don PBIS Work GroupImplement 3-tier model Decrease office referrals, increase attendance, enhance academic engagement, improve grades All studentsEric, Ellen, Marlee, Otis, Emma Goal #2 Goal #3 Sample Teaming Matrix
Eliminate all initiatives that do NOT have a defined purpose and outcome measure Combine initiatives that have the same outcome measure and same target group Combine initiatives that have 75% of the same staff Eliminate initiatives that are not tied to School Improvement Goals
Workgroup/ Committee/ Team Outcome/ Link to SIP Target Group Staff on team Non- negotiable District Mandate? How do we measure impact? Action Plan Overlap? Modify? Attendance CommitteestudentsJunebug, Leo, TomyesAttendance records Yes fold to SW PBIS SW PBS TeamStudents staff Ben, Tom, LounoOffice Referrals Attend, MIR, Nursing log, climate Yes continue Safety CommitteeStudents staff Toni, Barb, TomnoOffice Referrals BIG 5, climate Yes fold into SW PBIS School Spirit Committee studentsTomnoNoYes fold into SW PBIS Discipline CommitteestudentsTom, LounoOffice Referrals Yes fold into SW PBIS Student Support Team/Problem Solving Team studentsSteve, Sue,Jon, Tom yesDiscipline, DIBELS, FACTS… No continue School Improvement1,2,3Bill, Jon, Lou, TomyesAll of the aboveYes continue Systems/Staff Support
Workgroup/ Committee/ Team Outcome /Link to SIP Target Group (students/staff/both) Staff on team Non- Negotiable District Mandate? How do we measure impact? Overlap? Modify? Systems/Staff Support File available in Cohort 10 Dropbox and online at with S-RIP training documents.
Activity: Team Membership Step 1 of 8 step planning guide (page 43 of PBIS handbook Appendix B Identify Current Teams Step 1 Complete the Working Smarter matrix Appendix B page 21 Step 2 Based on your results, what committees can you: (a) eliminate? (b) combine? (c) provide more support? (d) how can we infuse PBIS into our committees? Step 3