A newsletter to the family of a student conveys the theory, development, and role of language in a comprehensive communication avenue. Newsletter to a family
It is important as an educator to be able to communicate with our students no matter the gender or race. We need able to communicate effectively with all students, as well as the students with each other. Discuss differences in the ways people communicate. Compare class rituals with those of various cultures. Teach children how to work collaboratively with classmates
“—our words, actions, postures, gestures, tones of voice, facial expressions, the way we handle time and space, and materials, and the way we work and play…” (Bickart, Jablon, & Dodge, 2007) ODYB Verbal and nonverbal communication is learned from birth.
Teachers must be more than effective communicators verbally in the classroom. To reach today’s student we as educators must be able to enhance our communication techniques through the use of technologies as well. From the web, to data organizers, and projectors.
Language is the avenue of communication for: Who we are Where we are going What we have done “Putting [children’s] thoughts and feelings in words enables children to make sense of events in their lives.” (Bickart, Jablon, & Dodge, 2007) “…thoughts and feelings in words…”
It helps to have simple rules about speaking and listening. Remind children of rules at the beginning of each meeting. Raise your hand if you want to speak. Look at the person talking. Speak to everyone, not just the teacher. (Bickart, Jablon, & Dodge, 2007)
“…give children effective strategies for joining other children in play such as: Asking questions Making positive comments Offering help” (Bickart, Jablon, & Dodge, 2007)
Students should be comfortable conveying their inquiries. Have meetings, using role play to discuss conflict resolution Encourage children to respect each others differences and differences in general(Bickart, Jablon, & Dodge, 2007)
Opportunities must be made available for a child to display their learning in various expressions including: Speech Writing Technology Arts Social Interactions
Encourage the children to ask questions that they can use to identify problems. This can be done with short story inquiries. They should gather, and then analyze information received. Then encourage them to journal so they can openly share and participate during classroom discussions or small groups. Invite the students to practice forums in small groups so they openly express and acknowledge each others opinions in a public setting. (Jablon, & Dodge, 2007)
“[Children] use different programs to write, store data, work on mathematical problems, conduct research, and communicate over distance.” (Bickart, Jablon, & Dodge, 2007)
Bickart, T. S., Jablon, J. R., & Dodge, D. T. (2007). Building the Primary Classroom: A Complete Guide to Teaching and Learning. Portsmouth and Washington, DC: Teaching Strategies Inc, and Heinemann.