Good afternoon fellow classmates and Mrs.Morgado. The topic we were focusing on is Modes of Communication. We surveyed three classes: gr.1, gr.4, and gr.7. We asked them four questions dividing each question into male and female. These are our questions: 1.What mode of communication do you use the most? In person, telephone, letter, , MSN, or cell-phone 2.What mode of communication do you use the least? In person, telephone, letter, , MSN, or cell-phone 3.About how long do you spend each day talking to your friends? 0-30 mins, 30 mins-1 hour, 1hour-2hours, or 2-3hours 4.Which one of these do you have? (there can be more than one answer) Telephone, computer, and MSN
Grade: 1 Grade: 1 You will see: GraphsChartsMean/Average and conclusions
Question #1- What mode of communication do you use the most? Looking at these graphs we notice that both female and male like to communicate in person equally. Males use the telephone more, while females like to use the telephone and write letters equally.
Looking at this graph we can tell that young kids like to go to communicate in person and telephone. Only a few communicate by writing letters. FemaleMaleMean In Person56%55% Telephone22%36%30% Letters22%9%15% 0% MSN0% Cell Phones0%
Question #2- What mode of communication do you use the least? We noticed that females in grade one don’t use cell phones to communicate, and males never use MSN.
Overall, kids from grade one use: , MSN, and cell phones least when communicating. FemaleMaleMean In Person 11%9%10% Telephone11%18%15% Letters0%0%0% 22%18%20% MSN22%45%35% Cell Phones 33%9%20%
Question #3- About how long do you spend each day talking to your friends? You can clearly see here that females communicate from 0-30 mins each day the most. Males communicate 0-30 mins and 1-2 hr the most.
Here we find females only in 0-30 mins and 2-3 hr, while males are in each category. This tell us that males communicate differently, while females stick to 0-30 mins and 2-3 hr. FemaleMaleMean min 89%55%70% 30 min - 1hr 0%9%5% hr 0%27%15% hr 11%9%10%
Here we see that everybody owns a telephone. All the males own computers, but only 56% of females own a computer. Not a lot of kids own MSN. More females own MSN then males. FemaleMaleMeanTelephone100%100%100% Computer56%100%80% MSN33%9%20% Question #4- Which one of these do you have?
Grade 4 You will see: GraphsChartsMean/Average and conclusions
Question #1- Which mode of communication do you use the most? Females use the telephone the most to communicate. Males only use the telephone or communicate in person. They communicate in person the most.
Overall children in grade 4 like to communicate in person and by telephone the most. Only a few females communicate by letters, MSN, and cell phones. FemaleMaleMean In Person 14%60%33% Telephone64%40%54% Letters7%0%4% 0%0%0% MSN7%0%4% Cell Phones 7%0%4%
Question #2- Which mode of communication do you use the least? These pie graphs show us that both females and males use cell phones the least when they want to communicate. MSN is also unpopular for grade 4.
We see that overall, cell phones, MSN, , and letters aren’t popular when it comes to communication in Grade 4. FemaleMaleMean In Person 0%0%0% Telephone7%0%4% Letters14%20%17% 21%20%21% MSN14%30%21% Cell Phones 43%30%38%
Question #3- About how long do you spend each day talking to your friends? These graphs tell us that kids from Grade 4 usually talk with their friend 0-30 mins per day, only a few males talk 2-3 hr, and a few females talk 30-1 hr and 2-3 hr.
We can clearly see here that Grade 4 students talk to their friend 0-30 mins the most. Some students talk 2-3 hr, but not much. FemaleMaleMean min 64%90%75% 30 min - 1hr 21%0%13% hr 0%0%0% hr 14%10%13%
100% of Grade 4 has a telephone, almost all kids have a computer, but not much have MSN. But more people in Grade 4 have MSN than in Grade 1, this tells us that the higher the grade, the more people have MSN. FemaleMaleMeanTelephone100%100%100% Computer93%90%92% MSN64%50%58% Question #4-Which one of these do you have?
You will see: GraphsChartsMean/Average and conclusions Grade 7
Question #1-Which mode of communication do you use the most? We can see that females from Grade 7 like to communicate by MSN and telephone the most. We see the same thing applies for the males. But males use MSN more, while females use the telephone more by just a little bit.
Overall, it is clearly stated that Grade 7 students use MSN the most, then telephones, and a few see each other in person. No one uses letters, , or cell-phones the most to communicate. FemaleMaleMean In Person 9%7%8% Telephone36%29%32% Letters0%0%0% 0%0%0% MSN55%64%60% Cell Phones 0%0%0%
Question #2-Which mode of communication do you use the least? These graphs show us that Grade sevens use letter writing and cell phones the least to communicate. Some males don’t communicate in person.
Looking at this graph we can see that a lot of students here don’t use letter writing as a method of communication. We think this is so because the technology of computers has made communicating with friends and family a lot easier and faster. FemaleMaleMean In Person 0%14%8% Telephone0%0%0% Letters91%79%84% 0%0%0% MSN0%0%0% Cell Phones 9%7%8%
Question #3- About how long do you spend each day talking to your friends? Females like to spend 2-3hr communicating the most. They are heavy communicators. Males however, are equally divided in those groups as you can see on the graph.
Most Grade sevens Communicate 2-3hr per day. There is a few who communicate very little for reasons we didn’t investigate. FemaleMaleMean min 9%29%20% 30 min - 1hr 0%0%0% hr 18%36%28% hr 73%36%52%
Question #4- Which one of these do you have? 100% of all students in Grade seven own a telephone and a computer. And most of them, but more females than males, use MSN to communicate. FemaleMaleMeanTelephone100%100%100% Computer100%100%100% MSN91%71%80%
All 3 classes You will see comparisons of selected statistics for all three classes: Average time spent communicating # of people preferring to communicate in person # of people preferring to communicate by telephone # of people preferring to communicate by letters # of people preferring to communicate by using MSN
Average time spent communicating We see here that younger kids like to communicate about 40mins a day and it doesn’t change for their first few years of school. Then it jumps dramatically in later years. Additionally we can see that little boys are more social then girls, but it changes with age.
Percentage of kids preferring to communicate in person We can see that the older kids are the less popular it is to communicate in person. In Grade 1 more than 50% of the kids do so and in Grade 7 less than 10%
Percentage of kids preferring to communicate by telephone We can see that the heaviest phone users are Grade 4 kids. Older and younger kids particularly girls prefer other mode of communication. Boys are more steady.
Percentage of kids preferring to communicate by letters We can see that letter writing is not popular mode of communication. However younger kids still do this. Grade sevens students completely abandoned this old fashioned mode because computers do this better and faster.
Percentage of kids preferring to communicate by using MSN This graph shows us that Grade one kids don’t even know about MSN. In grade four only a few kids know and use it. But for Grade seven it becomes the most popular mode of communication.
Conclusions We noticed that: Older kids spend more time communicating with others. It is because they become less depended on their parents and more open to friends. There is more to gossip about, more stuff at school to do together and discus, and so on. Younger kids use the more traditional ways to communicate, such as meeting in person and writing letters. Older kids start using internet driven modes of communication. Telephones stay popular for all grades because it’s very efficient. One thing we noticed is that and cell phones are rarely used by elementary students. Probably for two different reasons. Cell phones aren’t used because our parents don’t give us cell phones at such an early age. They are very expensive and with our needs of talking to each other, the bills would be very high. , we observed, is more of an adult way to communicate. Kids still prefer on the spot communication like in person, by phone, or MSN.
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