Equality Hub Network What do you think ? Sheffield City Council
The Council has equality and fairness targets to meet because of the Equalities Act We are changing the way we work with the different groups of people in Sheffield (Communities of Identity)... to help people work together and have a stronger voice What is this about?
What are Communities of Identity? Communities of Identity are the groups of people who are talked about in the Equalities Act... People with disabilities People of different races People from different religious groups Women’s groups Older or young people Gay, lesbian and transgender
Equality Hub Board Disability Hub LGBT Hub Religion/Belief Hub What will the Equality Hub Network look like? Age Hub (young and older people) BME Hub Other communities of identity Hub eg Carers Women’s Hub
Grants of up to £15 thousand... and smaller grants for things like events and awareness Information about the work of the Equality Hubs on the Council website How will the Equality Hubs work?
Quick and easy ways for the Communities of Identity and the Council to talk to each other Bringing people together Giving all kinds of people access to the big decision makers Getting people to work together on equality issues Why have an Equality Hubs Network?
What do you think? Do you think the Equality Hubs Network will be a good way to give people from Communities of Identity a stronger voice? Will the Equality Hubs Network allow you to speak up about the big things that are important to people with learning disabilities? Do you think this will be a better way to do things?