Communicative activities 英语课堂交际活动 北京教育学院 袁昌寰 13501015167.


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Presentation transcript:

Communicative activities 英语课堂交际活动 北京教育学院 袁昌寰

英语教学设计组成 教学分析 教学内容分析 学生分析 教学背景分析 教学设计评价 教学设计 { { 教学目标设计 教学策略设计 教学过程设计 教学活动设计 教学技术设计 学习活动 评价活动 过程性评价 目标达成评价 { 教学设计实施过程 教学设计实施效果

A.Look at the three short conversations in the picture and discuss: What situation in each conversation might take place in real life? Why might the person be asking the question?

In all the three dialogues, the two people are genuinely exchanging information. There is something that one person does not know and wants to find out, and that is why he or she is asking a question. We can say that the person has a ‘communicative need”.

B.Look at the picture and ask questions. Imagine students in a class are asking and answering questions about this picture. What might they say? Why are they asking these questions?

Compare this activity with the conversations in part A, are they the same or different? In part B, the students are asking and answering questions, but they are not genuinely exchanging information. They are not asking the questions in order to find out anything they need to know. So they don’t have any ‘communicative need.’ The students are using similar language to the people in the ‘real life’ conversation, but the purpose of the questions is quite different-it is simply to practice language.

I. The feature of the communicative activities 交际活动的特征 There must be an ‘information gap’---one person has information which another does not have, so there is a need to communicate. 交际活动必须有信息差 --- 交际双方中一个 人具有一些信息, 另外一个人没有此信息, 他 们之间产生了交际的需求。

II. Different kinds of communicative activities 不同类型的交际活动 1.Guessing games 猜测活动 A. Guess the pictureGuess the picture.docGuess the picture.doc 猜测图片 Guessing the picture1.docGuessing the picture1.doc B. Guess the sentenceGuess the sentence.doc 猜测句子Guess the sentence.doc C. Mime 哑剧 Mime.docMime.doc D. Other guessing games 其他猜测游戏 1) Famous people 猜测著名人物 2) My job 猜测工作

II. Different kinds of communicative activities 不同类型的交际活动 2. ‘Information gap’ exercises 信息差练习 A. One student has some information, the other has to find out the information by asking questions. 一人具有一些 信息,另外一人需要靠问问题找到该信息。 B. One student has some information and tells it to the other student. 一人具有一些信息,他将该信息告诉其他的 学生。 C. Both or all students have different information, they tell each other what they know. 两个或所有的学生都具有不同 的信息,他们互相交流自己的信息

II. Different kinds of communicative activities 不同类型的交际活动 2. ‘Information gap’ exercises 信息差练习 Information gap activity.doc

II. Different kinds of communicative activities 不同类型的交际活动 3.Exchanging personal information 交流个人信息 Exchanging personal information.doc One of the easiest and most interesting forms of communicative activity in the classroom. It is for students to tell each other about their own lives, interests, experiences, etc. When students talk about themselves, there is a natural ‘information gap’, because everybody has something slightly different to say.

II. Different kinds of communicative activities 不同类型的交际活动 4. Role play 角色扮演 1) Role play is a way to bring situation from real life into the classroom. When we do role play, we ask students to imagine. They may imagine: --- a role( 角色 ): in other words, they pretend to be a different person.Role play-1.doc Shopping.docRole play-1.docShopping.doc ---a situation( 情景 ): in other words, they pretend to be doing something different.Role play-2.docRole play-2.doc --- both a role and a situation( 角色和情景 ).Role play-3.docRole play-3.doc

II. Different kinds of communicative activities 不同类型的交际活动 2) In role play, students improvise 即席创作. The situation is fixed, but they make up the exact words to say as they go along. (So reading a dialogue is not the same as role play.)

Discussion Look at the book you use and find what kinds of communicative activities there are in the book? Are there any activities which should be adapted to become communicative activities?

III. Ways to organize different kinds of activities 活动组织方法

1. Different ways of organizing guessing games. 猜测活动的组织方法 1) In any guessing games, it is a good idea for the teacher to stand aside and let students take over the activity. 教师从旁, 让学生进行活动 2) In a large class,we’d better use the ways to get whole class involved. 在大班中, 教师最好让 全班参与活动

III. Ways to organize different kinds of activities 活动组织方法 1. Different ways of organizing guessing games. 猜测活动的组织方法 3) Guessing games can also be organized with students working in small groups. The teacher gives a picture or a sentence to one student in each group, and the others in the group try to guess it. 猜测活动也可以在小组中 进行, 教师将图片发给每组中的每个学生, 其他 学生进行猜测。

III. Ways to organize different kinds of activities 活动组织方法 2. Things the teacher should do to make pair work or group work more successful. 教师如何 使对子或小组活动成功? 1) 活动前: Before the activity, the teacher should prepare for the pairwork by establish what the questions and answers should be. She should demonstrate the pairwork by asking questions round the class, or by getting one pair of students to ask and answer in front of the class. The students would know exactly what to do.

III. Ways to organize different kinds of activities 活动组织方法 2) The teacher should be active in starting the pair work. Instead of just saying ‘Work in pairs’, she could show students who to work with, check that everyone has a partner, and check that everyone has started working in pairs.

III. Ways to organize different kinds of activities 活动组织方法 3) 活动中: During the activity, the teacher should move quickly round the class to check that students are talking and to see when they finish.

III. Ways to organize different kinds of activities 活动组织方法 4) 活动结束: Instead of waiting for everyone to finish, she could stop the activity. Then there would be no chance for students to get bored and start talking about things.

III. Ways to organize different kinds of activities 活动组织方法 5) 活动后: After the pair work or group work, the teacher could ask some pairs or groups to repeat their conversation in front of the class.

III. Ways to organize different kinds of activities 活动组织方法 3.Ways of organizing role play. 角色扮演活 动的组织方法 1) We could ask one pair or two ‘good’ pairs of students to improvise a conversation in front of the class, and then divide the class into pairs to have similar conversations.

III. Ways to organize different kinds of activities 活动组织方法 2) We could ask students to practice the role play privately in pairs first, and then ask one or two pairs of students to perform in front of the class.