National 3 – Higher Outcome 4 (Talking)
National 3National 4National 5Higher 2.1 Selecting ideas and content, using a simple format and structure, appropriate to purpose and audience 2.1 Selecting ideas and content, using a format and structure appropriate to purpose and audience 2.1 Selecting significant ideas and content using a format and structure appropriate to purpose and audience 2.1 Selecting significant ideas and content, using a format and structure appropriate to purpose and audience 2.2 Applying knowledge of language in terms of language choice 2.2 Applying knowledge and understanding of language in terms of language choice 2.2 Applying knowledge and understanding of language, in terms of language choice 2.3 Communicating meaning at first hearing 2.4 Using some aspects of non-verbal communication 2.4 Using aspects of non-verbal communication 2.4 Using significant aspects of non-verbal communication
Outcome 4 (Talking) Individual presentation, pair or group discussion all acceptable At National 3 some support may be needed for candidate to sustain topic Some fluency expected by National 5 Talking at Higher requires detailed and complex ideas, opinions and language