Plants Growing in our School Garden
Daffodil Common name: Narcissus Family: Amaryllidacae Origin: Europe Bloom: Spring hardy, mostly spring-flowering, bulbs in the Amaryllis family native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia. There are also several Narcissus species that bloom in the autumn. Daffodil is a common English name, sometimes used now for all varieties, and is the chief common name Daffodils have long green stems They have beautiful yellow petals
Primrose Common name: Primula Vulgaris Family: Primulaceae Origin: Europe, Africa, Asia Bloom: Early Spring Primroses can be all different colours depending on where the originate from Both flowers and leaves are edible, the flavour ranging between mild lettuce and more bitter salad greens. The leaves can also be used for tea, and the young flowers can be made into primrose wine. Flowers grow to between 10 – 15cm tall
Crocus Common name: Crocus Sativus Family: Iridaceous Origin: Europe, North Africa, Middle East Bloom: Autumn, Winter, Spring There are about eighty species of crocus Their color varies enormously, although lilac, mauve, yellow and white are predominant The spice saffron is obtained from the stigmas of the crocus flower Crocuses typically have three stamens They have colourful petals They have green stems and thin green leaves
Rosemary Common name: Rosmarinus Officinalis Family: Lamiaceae Origin: Mediterranean Region Bloom: All year round Rosemary has a strong fragrance It is used in oils, perfumes and cooking The leaves are evergreen 2–4 cm (0.8–1.6 in) long and 2–5 mm broad, green above, and white below with dense short woolly hair. It is considered easy to grow for beginner gardeners It grows all year round and strong, healthy plants flower in summer
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