Model of the Permanent Council for OAS Interns - MOAS/PC Nelly Robinson, MOAS Program Coordinator Department of International Affairs Secretariat for External Relations
The purpose of the MOAS is to promote democratic values among the youth of the hemisphere and to familiarize them with the work, mission and role of the OAS as the premier political forum in the Hemisphere, as well as with its Member States. The MOAS/PC is a simulation of the Permanent Council for OAS Interns. Model of the Permanent Council for OAS Interns - MOAS/PC
PURPOSE OF THE MODEL The MOAS/PC was customized for the OAS interns, to complement the experience gained through their work in the various areas of the OAS, so that they may have an integral view of the mission, functions and role of the Organization.
OBJECTIVES OF THE MODEL Promote democratic values among the youth. Generate an understanding of the mission, role, structure and functions of the OAS. Analyze the major political, economic, social and security issues in the Americas. Highlight the relevance of diplomacy as a problem solving instrument. Train dedicated leaders.
Getting ready for the MOAS/PC Study the Modus Operandi. Learn about the Country to be represented. Learn how to draft a resolution. Get together with your assigned Working Group. Get in touch with the experts on the topic(s) of the agenda. Model of the Permanent Council for OAS Interns - MOAS/PC
Timeline for your preparation for the MOAS/PC (See customized timeline for each MOAS according to Internship session to be provided by DAI) Model of the Permanent Council for OAS Interns - MOAS/PC
Once the Country Assignment is made, the countries are divided into two (2) Working Groups (WG). Each WG will draft, discuss and debate a resolution on their assigned topic and will participate debating the other WG resolution. Prior to the MOAS/PC The Working Groups will meet, contact their assigned country Mission representative, and request information from the OAS experts on their topic of the Agenda. Working Groups
About Resolutions Each draft resolution : Should deal specifically with the topic of the agenda. Consists of two sections: the preamble (gives the reasons for the resolution) and the operative section (outlines how the resolution will be accomplished). It is important to state in the operative section which individual, body or Institution will be responsible for the mandate’s execution. Must indicate a source of funding Must reflect the interests, policy and position of the assigned countries in regards to the topic of the agenda.
Order of Business During the MOAS/PC Opening of the MOAS/PC First Plenary Session Roll Call of Delegations Presentation of, and vote on the Order of Business Presentation of, and vote on the Topics of the Agenda Presentation of, and vote on the Modus Operandi Establishment of the Order of Precedence by lot General Statements by Head Delegates (video)(video) President breaks the Plenary session into two (2) Working Groups
Order of Business (continued) During the MOAS/PC Sessions of the Working Groups During the MOAS/PC each WG will meet to agree on the final Draft Resolution. Each WG must reach consensus on their respective resolutions. Each Working group will choose a representative, who will present the resolution. During debate every member of each Working Group will be able to defend the resolution. Each WG must try to negotiate with the other WG countries before the plenary session of the MOAS/PC. During the discussions of the Working Groups, the OAS Consultants, the Chair, the Secretary General and the Rapporteur will be available to support the work of each working group.
During the MOAS/PC Second Plenary Session Debate of the two draft resolutions presented by the Working Groups. Each resolution will be approved by majority. Debate and approval of resolutions must be conducted according to the Modus Operandi. Closing Plenary Session Report by the Secretary General on the MOAS/PC Closing remarks by MOAS President Closing ceremony of the MOAS/PC Order of Business (continued)
About the Modus Operandi General Format for a MOAS Debate A representative from each working group has one (1) minute to present the resolution. The President opens the floor for questions; these are directed to the proponent through the President. Rapporteur draws a Speaker List of speakers for and against resolution (as per modus operandi). When debate is exhausted, the PC moves to a vote on the Resolution. If necessary, delegations present, debate and vote on amendments. The President announces the result of the vote, which determines whether the proposal passes or is rejected (majority of the votes needed to pass). The rapporteur reads the title, number and proponents of the resolution, followed by the preamble and operative clauses. The delegates approve the Modus Operandi of the MOAS/PC
Questions Speakers in Favor Speakers Against Voting NEGOTIATION AND PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS DURING THE MOAS/PC Presenting your Resolution
For further information about the MOAS/PC, please visit our Web Site: Department of International Affairs Nelly Robinson MOAS Program Coordinator Luis J. Consuegra MOAS Specialist Phone: (202) Department of Human Resources Betty Arevalo Internship Coordinator Phone: (202)
After the Interns Weekly meetings the MOAS Team at the Department of International Affairs will conduct 1-hour support sessions about the MOAS/PC Department of International Affairs