+ Washington, D.C. details Who: All 7 th grade students who meet the behavior and academic criteria, teachers and chaperones What: 3-days, 2 nights academic field trip When: March 26 th - 28 th Where: Washington, D.C. How: Chartered buses through Kannapolis Charters and Tours How much: $300
WHY ARE WE GOING TO DC? To experience our Nation’s Capitol through hands-on experience through art, history, geography, science and technology. Also, to learn about where our Nation’s decisions are being made, and what historical influence from the past still impacts the decisions made in the present and future. More importantly, to have fun, make new friendships, and to make ever lasting memories.
+ PLACES WE WILL GO Mount Vernon Iwo Jima Marine Memorial FDR Memorial World War II Memorial Arlington National Cemetery (changing of the guard) Holocaust Museum Smithsonian Museums Lincoln Memorial Vietnam Memorial Korean Memorial MLK Memorial Possible tour of the White House and the Capitol
+ IMPORTANT DATES Friday November 16 th $ non-refundable deposit due AND permission slip and emergency form If this initial down payment is not in by this date, students will not be permitted to attend the field trip. Financial aid requests will be accepted no later than this date. Friday January 11 th $ due Friday February 22 nd Final payment of $ due
+ WHAT TO EXPECT ON THE TRIP Hotel rooms will consist of four same gender roommates. Roommates will be chosen by students ahead of time. There will be two double beds in each room. Students will be sharing a bed with another student! Students will be separated by gender on each charter bus. Girls will be located on one hotel floor and boys will be located on a separate floor. Students will have to complete a reflective journal during the trip. This journal will be graded and count towards a Social Studies, Science, L.A. and Math formal grade! Students will travel from place to place with their chaperone and assigned group members. The $300 cost includes transportation, hotel accommodations, most meals and entrance into the museums/activities.
+ BEHAVIOR REQUIREMENTS Students will not be permitted on the field trip if they have incurred TWO IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSIONS or ONE OUT OF SCHOOL SUSPENSION by the start of 2 nd quarter. No refunds of the initial $100 will be given, especially due to breaking behavior requirements. All students are required to represent Piedmont respectfully while visiting Washington DC and will be sent home for any infractions or misbehavior. All school rules (dress code, language, etc.) still apply while visiting Washington DC. If they are broken, they will be addressed accordingly.
+ EXTRA INFORMATION All students not participating in the field trip will remain at Piedmont with the stayback teachers. Daily assignments will follow the Washington DC curriculum and will be graded just the same as those students who are going on the trip. All school rules must be followed by those staying back. Students who are in need of financial aid should send a letter or to their homebase teacher with the request and contact information included. All students are required to pay the initial $100 regardless of their financial request. Financial requests are due no later than November 16 th and they are first come first serve based on Piedmont’s funds. Notification letters will be sent home to those who qualify no later than November 30 th. STAYBACK STUDENTSFINANCIAL AID REQUESTS
+ CHAPERONE INFORMATION WE ARE IN NEED OF CHAPERONES. THESE GUIDELINES NEED TO BE FOLLOWED: Need to be a registered volunteer Free of charge, just need to be engaged and on call with the students at all times Must attend the entire time Must between the dates August 29 th and September 14 th to notify her of Chaperones are chosen on a first come first serve basis
+ Any questions can be directed to: THANK YOU!