Debate A contest of argumentation.
Argument A reason to support your side of the debate.
Criticism A comment, article, or review that expresses judgement
Analysis The process of breaking down an idea or a proposition into its elements.
Proposition A statement expressing the topic of the debate.
Resolution A statement of your position on the issue.
Brief An outline of all the arguments on both sides of the debate resolution.
Evidence Data that form the basis for conclusions.
Analogy The use of comparison to draw a general conclusion.
Counterexample An example made in return for another example.
Proof That which reduces uncertainty and increases the probable truth of a claim.
Reasoning A short speech that may be devoted to rebuilding arguments that have been attacked.
Refutation The process of attacking and destroying opposing arguments
Variable A condition that may change and alter a cause-effect relationship.
Burden of proof The affirmative obligation to present a case supporting the debate resolution.
Cross-examination Allows debaters to ask direct questions of an opponent during specified time periods following the opponent’s constructive speeches. Allows debaters to ask direct questions of an opponent during specified time periods following the opponent’s constructive speeches.
Rebuttal Overcoming your opponents arguments, continuing to build and re-explain your case
Advantage A significant improvement over the status quo that can best be gained by the affirmative plan.
Contention A subdivision of an issue; an argument essential to support a position on an issue.
Assertion an unsupported statement; a conclusion that lacks evidence for support. an unsupported statement; a conclusion that lacks evidence for support.