January 5, 2015 Nursing 330 Human Reproductive Health
NURS 330 Instructor: Emma Fredua, MPH, CHES Course website:
Today’s Agenda Introductions Text for the course Review Syllabus Rules of Conduct Participation Quarter Schedule Lecture Reproductive Health Overview
INTRODUCTIONS Your name Year in school Major What you hope to gain from this course
Text Rogers, K., (2010).The Reproductive System Available at bookstore Additional readings are assigned. Refer to course website
Rules of Conduct Assignments are due on the due date. Late submissions will be result in loss of points. If the decision is made to drop the class, it is the student’s responsibility to complete the paperwork to drop. The instructor will not automatically drop you. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and read the student handbook for course policies on add/drop (Student Handbook p. 12)
RULES OF CONDUCT (cont) Students having difficulty due to medical or other excusable problems must inform the instructor immediately. Coming in at the end of quarter and asking for an alternative work plan is not acceptable ZERO TOLERANCE ON CHEATING/PLAGIARISM The College of Health and Human Services department adheres to the University policy on Statement of Honesty. (Schedule of classes p. 116)
RULES OF CONDUCT (cont) Students are expected to come prepared for class, having done the assigned reading and assignments and to productively participate throughout the term. Students are expected to treat each other and the instructor with courtesy and respect. Any personal information disclosed by students in the class is considered confidential and should not be repeated outside the classroom.
RULES OF CONDUT (cont) Although class discussion may become “heated,” please raise your hand and do not interrupt your colleague or the instructor when s/he is speaking. I reserve the right to eliminate any person, from the class, who I deem disruptive at any time.
Course Website All documents, including lecture handouts, can be found on this page It is each student’s responsibility to print lecture handouts from the course website before coming to class
Exams Mid-term 100 points Final Exam Cumulative 200 points All exams multiple choice, T/F, fill-in- the blank, matching Scantron #882 needed There are no make up exams
Quiz One Quiz 25 points Closed book Short answer 6.25% of your grade
Group Project 25 Points (6.25% of your grade) Marketing Piece (Flyer/brochure) (10 points) Presentation (15 points) 4 – 5 Members Names of Group Members due on 2/2/15 Due on 3/2/15
Participation 12.5% of your grade Open-book Based on: In-class Assignments Lectures, guest speakers
Make Up Assignments No make up for mid-term or final exams Make up options available for: Quiz (20 possible points) Can only make up one quiz In-class assignment (10 possible points) Can only make up one in-class assignment Doctor’s note needed Options for make up (One-page essay; double-spaced) Reproductive Health Screening Attend a Workshop Reproductive Health in the Media Must be submitted no later than 3/9/15
Assignment% Of GradeNumber of points possible My Points Mid-term25%100 Final50%200 Quiz6.25%25 Group Project6.25%25 Class Participation12.5%50 Total100%400
Quarter Schedule Schedule for the quarter Lecture topics and reading assignments Exam And Assignment Dates Guest Speaker line-up
Reproductive Health Topics Puberty Anatomy & Physiology Male & Female Reproductive Systems Climacteric Pregnancy, Conception, Fetal Development STDs/HIV Infertility Sexuality Contraception Abortion Reproductive Health Cancers Female Male Breast Disease Diseases of Male Reproductive System
Some Factors that can affect Reproductive Health
Office Hours TBA Room TBA
Assignment Due on January 12, 2015 Reading Assignment Refer to course website for reading assignment Navigate through course website to familiarize yourself with the pag e. Print/download lecture handouts before coming to each class