Methods of Contraception [Insert Instructor’s Name] [Insert Date]
In this session we will, Discuss some common methods of contraception for males and females. Discuss the effectiveness and the risks of each method. Analyze which methods might work best for which people.
Before we begin, let’s see what you already know……… Options for malesOptions for females
What contraceptive options are available? Options for males -Male condom -Vasectomy Options for females -Depo Provera -IUD -The Pill -Female condom -Diaphragm -Tubal Ligation
Most Effective Use of Contraceptives How can a person make the most effective use of contraceptives? Examples: -The Male Condom: The Pill:
Risks Barrier MethodHormonal MethodSurgical Method
Reflection Review: Putting it all together. Which types of contraception might work best for which types of people?