The People of Canada
Immigrants, or descendants of immigrants make up 98% of Canadians. For this reason, Canada is often called a “tossed salad”, a “cultural mosaic” or a “multicultural society”.
Immigration is when you are arriving into a new country. Emigration is when you are leaving your country of origin.
Push factors Reasons to leave your country such as losing a job, high taxes, war, disease, corrupt governments, bad education and undesirable climate conditions.
Pull factors Reasons why you are drawn to another country such as a better job, lower taxes, lack of war, disease and corrupt governments, good education and attractive climate conditions
Independent Family Refugees
Skilled Workers require 70 points in a complicated system receive points for education, job training, experience, occupation, age, knowledge of English and French. Business require only 25 points. an ability and willingness to make significant financial contributions to the economy.
Have a member of their family already residing in the country. Family must financially sponsor the new immigrant. Less family immigrants are coming due to the financial risks and stricter government laws.
Someone who fears persecution or death from their home country. Harassed for racial, religious, political reasons. To escape natural disasters or war. It is estimated that in this century there will be more environmental refugees than those of war.
People tend to settle in metropolitan areas because large, populous cities can provide job opportunities, entertainment facilities, religious and cultural institutions. These factors make people feel safe and comfortable in an new surrounding.