Chemistry 8/29/14 & 9/2/14 1)When mixing known liquids in a lab, students should mix the liquids in a – a.Biuretb. Graduated cylinder c.Pipetd. Beaker 2.What is the proper way to mix chemicals that include acid and water? a.Water poured into acid b. Acid poured into the water c. Mix with whatever chemicals you have available d. All the above Bell Ringer
Societal Views
“What is Chemistry?” L.O. – SWU prior knowledge to learn how to set-up Chemistry Interactive Lab Notebook; identify lab equipment; review Scientific Method D.O.L. – Students will be able to able to correctly identify lab equipment & safety procedures
Lab Rules & Safety L.O. – SWBAT identify incorrect lab procedures in a diagram of a lab setting. D.O.L – Students will be able to correctly identify correct and incorrect lab safety procedures
Laboratory Rules & Safety 1)Read through procedures before each lab. 2)Know how to locate and use all safety equipment in the lab. 3)ABSOLUTELY NO HORSEPLAY Serious consequences will occur
Laboratory Rules & Safety 4)Wear protective gear during labs. 5)Tie back hair and protect legs, wear pants 6)Keep work area free of clutter
Laboratory Rules & Safety 7)Wash all equipment after each lab. 8)Never smell chemicals unless instructed. 9)Do not do your own experiments. 10)Students are never allowed in the storage areas without specific permission. 11)Know what to do in an accident. 12)Handle all living organisms humanly.
Laboratory Rules & Safety 13)Any sharp instruments should be carried pointing downward to avoid accidents. 14)Report any accident immediately. 15)If a chemical splashes in your eyes use the eye wash ASAP. 16)If you or your lab partner yell out “CODE ONE”
Safety Symbols Chemical Safety – may cause burns or poisonous if it makes skin contact Poisonous chemicals present
Safety Symbols Must wear protective gloves when handling this Must wear goggles. It could cause damage to eyes
Safety Symbols Indication of a safety shower in case of chemical spills Eye wash
Lab Safety Lab Safety Video Homework – Lab diagram, “What Not To Do”