Harry went to Hogwart’s to learn magic, let’s see if we can create a little magic at CTMS.
Find More free PowerPoint templates on: Lets get ready for lab. Gather your safety equipment. You will need to wear your goggles for this experiment.
Find More free PowerPoint templates on: Set up your journal. Title: Do you believe in magic? Guiding Question: How do I know a chemical change happened? Chart: I notice….I wonder….
Find More free PowerPoint templates on: Step 1 Examine the liquid in the cup labeled A. Write down some of the characteristics of the liquid in I notice column.
Find More free PowerPoint templates on: Step 2 Examine the liquid in the cup labeled B. Write down some of the characteristics of the liquid in I notice column.
Find More free PowerPoint templates on: Step 3 Pour the liquid from cup A into the liquid in cup B then pour it back into cup A then back in to cup B. Record your observations in the I notice chart. Keep watching this might take as long as 10 minutes.
Find More free PowerPoint templates on: What happened? This is an example of the chemical reaction know as the IODINECLOCK REACTION. It is called a clock reaction because you can change the amount if time it takes for the liquids to turn blue. (see experiments below) The chemistry of the demonstration gets a bit complicated, but basically it is a battle of chemistry between the starch which is trying to turn the iodine blue, and the Vitamin C which is keeping it from turning blue. Eventually the Vitamin C loses and, bam! - you get instant blueness.
Find More free PowerPoint templates on: Ok so now it is clean up time! All of these materials can be rinsed down the sink, we just want to be sure that we run water down the sink as well.
Find More free PowerPoint templates on: You know what comes next! Write a sentence explaining how the new substance is different from the original substances.
Find More free PowerPoint templates on: Please take a minute and tell how you know this is a chemical reaction. Identify which sign of a chemical change gave it away. Yes you must write it as a conclusion to the lab!
Find More free PowerPoint templates on: Complete the I wonder portion of your chart. Does the temperature of the water affect how quickly the liquids turn blue? Does the amount of Vitamin C added affect how fast the liquid turns blue? Does stirring the liquids more affect how fast the liquids turn blue?