地理科学(师范) 张晓菁
Stars and stripes
Do you know the origin of the Stars and Stripes ?
50 states and 1 special administrative region District of Columbia
theLocation ofthe USA Bering strait Denmark strait panama canal AtlanticOcean PacificOcean Arctic Ocean
The members with different complexions NBA—— National Basketball Association
Typical country of immigration Europe Africa Mexico Asia
It don't matter if you're black White or yellow, if your brown or red Let's get down to that Love is color-blind You're my brother, you're my friend All that matters in the very end Is to understand Love is color-blind LOVE IS COLOR- BLIND
Do you know how the chinese-American make contribution to American society?
the Cordillera Oriental Rocky Mountains Great plains Appalachian Mountains.
Mississippi river Rocky Mountains Appalachian Mountains. Missouri River The forth longest river in the world.
Superior Huron Ontario Erie Michigan the largest fresh water lakes in the world
Component of the territory 领土组成: 50 个州,一个特区 Location Typical country of immigration 典型的移民国家 Terrain 三大地形区:西部落基山脉,东部阿巴拉契亚山, 中 部大平原 Rivers 主要河流 — 世界第四长河:密西西比河 Lakes 世界上最大的淡水湖群:五大湖
Is there any influence for the terrain and climate to the American agriculture production?