Effects of Driver Conditions Emotions & Driving
How can Emotions affect your Driving? What is the emotion that affects drivers the most?
Road Rage What can you do if someone has Road Rage?
Other Emotions can affect Driving Sorrow Depression Anxiety
Peer Pressure Passengers can have a strong affect on the way you drive. Discourage the driver from taking reckless actions
Be a Leader While driving a car, the driver must show leadership because he or she is responsible for the safety of passengers!
Physical Senses & Driving Where do we get most of our information while driving? 90 to 95% of our information comes from our eyes
Visual Acuity The ability to see things clearly Normal vision is called ? 20/20 20/40 must be twice as close as a person with 20/20
What do you see?
Color blind test
Dice Saxophone
Do you see the Arrow?
Night Blindness Unable to see well at night Usually the 3 rd thing to go in elderly people. Memory is the 2 nd I can’t remember the 1st
Glare Bright Sunlight Bright lights at night What should you do if bright lights are coming toward you? What is Glare Recovery Time?
Distractions A driver needs to focus on driving at all times.
Cell Phone, CD, Texting
Field of Vision - Page 299 What is your Field of Vision? What is Tunnel Vision? What is your Central Vision? What is your Fridge Vision?
Physical Disabilities Fatigue Fatigue slows down mental and physical abilities Temporary Illness or injury Effects of Medicine Read the Label
Effects of Carbon Monoxide What does Carbon Monoxide look like, smell like and taste like? Where is it found?