This is a PowerPoint version of KSES 2010. Each slide is a chart from the 2010 publication, with the accompanying text included in the slide notes. Key.


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Presentation transcript:

This is a PowerPoint version of KSES Each slide is a chart from the 2010 publication, with the accompanying text included in the slide notes. Key Scottish Environment Statistics 2010

Population and Households: Source: General Register Office for Scotland Population/Households (thousands) Background

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Source: Scottish Government Scottish GDP at basic prices (2004=100) Background

Electricity generation by source: Source: Department for Energy and Climate Change Electricity generated (GigaWatt hours) Background

Motor traffic on all roads: Source: Department for Transport Million vehicle kilometres Background

Perceived significant environmental problems: 2008 Source: Scottish Government What is the most significant environmental problem? Other environmental problems? (percentage of respondents) Public Attitudes

Agreement or Disagreement with Statements about Climate Change and the Environment: 2008 Source: Scottish Government To what extent do you agree/disagree with each statement? (percentage of respondents) Public Attitudes

Perceived Immediacy of Climate Change: 2008 Which of these views, if any, comes closest to your own view about climate change? Source: Scottish Government Public Attitudes

Frequency of Use of Local Greenspace Frequency of use by time to walk to local greenspace (percentage of respondents) Source: Source: Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2009: Sustainable Places and Greenspace Public Attitudes

Annual Mean Temperature: Source: Met Office Annual mean temperature – difference from average (degrees Celcius) Global Atmosphere

Annual precipitation: Source: Met Office Annual precipitation as a percentage of average Global Atmosphere

Net Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Source: Source: National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory Greenhouse gas emissions taking account of emissions and removals (Mt CO 2 e) Global Atmosphere

Greenhouse Gas Emissions adjusted to take account of trading in the EU Emissions Trading System: Source: National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory Greenhouse gas emissions taking account of emissions and removals (Mt CO 2 e) Global Atmosphere

Column ozone measurements: Source: AEA Energy and Environment Column ozone concentrations over Lerwick (Dobson units) Global Atmosphere

Particulate (PM 10 ) concentrations: Source: Scottish Air Quality Database Annual mean concentration (µg/m 3 ) Air Quality

Nitrogen dioxide concentrations: Source: Scottish Air Quality Database Annual mean concentrations (µg/m 3 ) Air Quality

Ground level ozone concentrations: Source: Scottish Air Quality Database Number of days exceeding 100µg/m 3 (maximum 8hr running mean) Air Quality

Emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from large combustion plants: Source: Scottish Environment Protection Agency Annual LCP emissions (thousand tonnes) Air Quality

Sensitive habitats affected by air pollution: to Source: Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Percentage of sensitive habitat area affected by acid and nutrient nitrogen (N) deposition Air Quality

Public Water Supplies - Water abstracted and supplied : 2002/ /10 Source: Scottish Water Million litres per day (Ml/d) Water

Drinking water quality: Source: Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland Percentage of samples at consumer’s taps failing test Water

Nitrate concentrations in rivers: Source: Scottish Environment Protection Agency Distribution of mean nitrate concentrations, percentage of sites within each band Water

Orthophosphate concentrations in rivers: Source: Scottish Environment Protection Agency Distribution of mean orthophosphate concentrations, percentage of sites within each band Water

Compliance with EC bathing water directive (76/160/EEC): Source: Scottish Environment Protection Agency Percentage compliance of coastal bathing water Marine

Selected Commercial Fish Stocks: 1960s – 2010 Source: Marine Scotland Science, ICES Marine SSB (thousand tonnes) Cod SSB (thousand tonnes) Haddock SSB (thousand tonnes) Herring SSB (thousand tonnes) Saithe

Exposure of the population to all sources of radiation: 2003 Source: HPA – Radiation Protection Division Average annual dose in Scotland, 2,400 microsieverts Radioactivity

Activity concentrations in milk: Source: HPA – Radiation Protection Division Activity concentrations Radioactivity

Waste sent to landfill: Source: Scottish Environment Protection Agency Million tonnes Waste

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW): 2000/ /2009 Source: Scottish Environment Protection Agency Million tonnes Waste

Waste Recycling Behaviour: Source: Scottish Government (data), Ordnance Survey (map) Percentage of households surveyed , who reported recycling certain waste items in the past month Waste This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright Scottish Government Licence number:

Broad Habitat Change: Source: Countryside Survey 2007 Changes in the extents of the most widespread Broad Habitats (thousand hectares) Land

Derelict and Urban Vacant Land: Source: Scottish Government Area of Derelict and Urban Vacant Land (hectares) Land

Designated Areas: Source: Scottish Natural Heritage Area (thousand hectares ) Land

Scheduled Monuments in Scotland: Land Number and area of sites designated as Scheduled Monuments Source: Historic Scotland

Agricultural Land Use: Source: Scottish Government Area (thousand hectares) Land

Nutrients Applied on Crops and Grass: Source: Scottish Government Total nutrients applied (kg/ha) on crops and grass Land

Area of Woodland: Source: Forestry Commission Area (thousand hectares) Land

Changes in Plant Species Richness: Source: Countryside Survey 2007 Mean number of vascular plant species per 1km square Biodiversity

Status of UK BAP Habitats in Scotland: 2008 Source: Biodiversity Action Reporting System (BARS) Fluctuating (probably stable) 8% Status of UK BAP Habitats Biodiversity Unknown 21% R No clear trend 3% Declining (continuing/ accelerating) 3% Declining (slowing) 26% R Fluctuating (probably declining) 5% Stable 21% R Fluctuating (probably increasing) 3% Increasing 13%

Status of UK BAP Species in Scotland: 2008 Source: Biodiversity Action Reporting System (BARS) Status of UK BAP Species Biodiversity Increasing 4% Fluctuating (probably increasing) 1% Stable 23% R Unknown 32% R Not a true species 1% No clear trend 7% Lost (pre BAP Publication) 1% Lost (since BAP publication) 1% Declining (continuing/ accelerating) 7% Declining (slowing) 11% Fluctuating (probably declining) 4% Fluctuating (probably stable) 10%

Status of wild bird populations: Source: British Trust for Ornithology/ Joint Nature Conservation Committee/ Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust/ Shetland Oil Terminal Environmental Advisory Group Index (1994 = 100) Biodiversity

Catches of wild salmon: Source: Marine Scotland Science Numbers caught (thousands) Biodiversity