Derbyshire County Council Digital Derbyshire Derbyshire Broadband Champions Launch 11 January 2012
Derbyshire County Council Agenda 5.30pmWelcome & Introductions 5.40pmDigital Derbyshire 5.55pmQuestions 6.00pmDerbyshire Broadband Champions 6.10pmBroadband Champions Role 6.30pmQuestions 6.45pmClose
Derbyshire County Council Digital Derbyshire Cllr Kevin Parkinson Cabinet Member for Regeneration
Derbyshire County Council Digital Derbyshire “…Our goal is simple: within this parliament we want Britain to have the best superfast broadband network in Europe.” Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. By 2015 everyone will have access to universal 2mbit broadband and at least 90% with access to superfast.
Derbyshire County Council Digital Derbyshire Derbyshire County Council (including Derby City) £7.39m allocation. Based on Broadband Delivery UK assumption of 468,971 premises 188,043 are in ‘white’ areas. A white area has limited or no broadband provision and is eligible for state support.
Derbyshire County Council Derbyshire’s Vision “To provide the best possible digital infrastructure for superfast broadband to 100% of Derbyshire’s business and residents by 2017”
Derbyshire County Council Local Broadband Plan To unlock the £7.39m the council have to prepare a Local Broadband Plan (including Derby City). The £7.39 allocation must be matched with private or other public finances. The draft LBP draft must be submitted to by the end of February 2012.
Derbyshire County Council Rural Community Broadband Fund DEFRA/BDUK funding £20million for UK Uplands, last mile (10%) Maximum 50% grant, private sector match required Maximum £300 per premise At least speeds of 30mbs Public procurement
Derbyshire County Council Questions
Derbyshire County Council Derbyshire Broadband Champions Raise the profile of broadband in communities Communicate the Digital Derbyshire activities Feedback views from communities Promote the benefits of superfast broadband and the difference it will make to both individuals and businesses Stimulate demand
Derbyshire County Council Broadband Champion Role Bring communities together for a common aim Distribute information and educate Organise local events, talk to local groups, clubs and business Complete the surveys Collect data to support and evidence the connectivity issues faced in your community
Derbyshire County Council Derbyshire Broadband Surveys Residents Survey Business Survey
Derbyshire County Council Derbyshire Broadband Survey 06/01/2012 DistrictCommunity Business Amber Valley %8317.9% Bolsover1974.5%306.5% Chesterfield3929.0%5411.6% Derbyshire Dales %9620.7% Erewash2946.8%296.3% High Peak %6814.7% North East Derbyshire4089.4%255.4% South Derbyshire3808.8%367.8% Derby1343.1%265.6% Uncoded/No response*892.1%112.4% Outside Derbyshire*431.0%61.3% Grand Total % %
Derbyshire County Council Broadband Champion Role All support and tools will be available on:
Derbyshire County Council Questions
Derbyshire County Council Derbyshire Broadband Champions THANK YOU