CRCT Practice, February 2, 2015 What does meiosis produce? A.Cells with DNA identical to the parent B.Human body cells C.Cells with DNA not identical to the parent D. All plant cells
ESSENTIAL QUESTION February 2, 2015 What is the driest terrestrial biome?
Notes Desert Biome Driest biome on Earth Soil contains little organic matter Large, windblown sand dunes are typical Climate: Average yearly rainfall: 12 cm Average yearly temperature: 0° C- 32° C
Plants and animals must be adapted to extreme temperature changes. Deserts are very hot during the day and often freezing at night. Plants are adapted by their leaves being small and sticker like. This helps them to hold water instead of it evaporating from larger leaves.
Animals adapt by hunting food mostly at night and burrowing under ground during the heat of the day. Some animals Have larger ears so heat can leave them easily. Thick, tough paws and skin also help protect animals from the extreme heat of the desert sands.
Plants: Cacti Mesquite bushes Small flowering plants Thorny bushes and shrubs Animals: ArmadiloRabbits Insects Snakes Kangaroo ratsHawks
Deserts are found in: North America South America Asia Africa Australia
CRCT Practice February 3, 2015 All cells need water to A.Reproduce B.Do their specialized job C.Undergo photosynthesis D.Undergo chemical reactions
ESSENTIAL QUESTION February 3, 2015 What is an environmental issue in all grassland biomes?
Grassland biome Found in temperate and tropical areas of the Earth Climate: Average yearly precipitation: 50 cm Average yearly temperature: -35° C – 30° C
Found in: North America South America Asia Australia Africa (where they are called the Savanna)
Plants: Dominantly grasses VERY FEW TREES except in the Savanna Plants are adapted by having the large, deep root systems of the grasses. Even if burned to the ground, the grasses can come back to life.
Animals are adapted to the extreme weather changes. BisonGiraffes CoyotesLions GophersZebras Ground squirrelsCheetah Jack Rabbits Prairie dogs
CRCT Practice February 4, 2015 Which kingdoms contain organisms that are all prokaryotes? A.Protist and plant B.Protist and Eubacteria C.Eubacteria and Fungus D.Eubacteria and Archeabacteria
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What is the difference between an intertidal zone and an estuary?
SALT WATER (AQUATIC) BIOME Found around the world Four kinds: Deep Ocean Coral Reefs Intertidal Zones Estuaries
Plants and animals must be adapted to their own part of this biome. For example: The intertidal zone is the area covered By water at high tide and exposed to the air at low tide. The organisms here must be able to survive extreme changes in temperature, moisture, and salinity. They must also be able to stand the motion of waves.
Estuaries are formed where rivers meet the ocean so these areas contain a mixture of fresh and salt water. Salinity changes as rivers flow in. Estuaries are known to be extremely fertile, productive areas because of the nutrients carried in by the rivers. These areas also are nurseries for many ocean organisms.
CRCT Practice February 5, 2015 The reactants in photosynthesis are: A.Carbon dioxide and oxygen B.Carbon dioxide and glucose C.Carbon dioxide and water D.Carbon dioxide and nitrogen
ESSENTIAL QUESTION February 5, 2015 Name three examples of freshwater biomes.
Freshwater biome Found all over the Earth There are three kinds: Rivers and streams (moving) Lakes and ponds (standing) Wetlands Most nutrients that support life wash into freshwater from the land.
Organisms in Aquatic biomes depend on for factors for life. These factors are: Water temperature Amount of sunlight present Amounts of dissolved oxygen in the water Amounts of salt in the water
CRCT Practice February 7, 2014 What process uses mitosis? A.Sexual reproduction B.Asexual reproduction C.Photosynthesis D.Cellular respiration
ESSENTIAL QUESTION February 7, 2014 What are four factors that affect aquatic biomes?
Today we will continue on in class research. Use your guide sheets to determine what you are looking for. REMINDER: You must answer all questions before you can begin on your product. USE YOUR TIME WISELY