Chapter 4 Section 4 Page121 French and Indian War
Objectives Students will explain how British fortunes improved after William Pitt took over direction of the war. Describe how Chief Pontiac united his people to fight for their land.
Key Terms Alliance: Union with Nations of Native Americans Speculator: Civilians that invested money into land west of the mountains.
I. British Take Action The French and Indian War had some Native Americans fighting with the British. It lasted between 1750-1760’s. The Colonist were fighting mostly by themselves against the French and Indians. This changed and England decide to become more involved with the large picture. The Ohio River Valley was visited by British General Edward Braddock and was guided by G. Washington. 1754
A. Braddock Marches to Duquesne 1755 About 1400 Red-coats and some Blue Coats (Colonist) marched out of Virginia. It took several weeks to make the trip. Braddock had troops lined in columns and rows that made easy targets. (George W. advised against this style but was ignored by Braddock) They were ambushed and Braddock was killed and the Red-coats ran home losing 1000 men. (George led the survivors back to Virginia.)
B. Britain Declares War on France Soon as the news hit London They declared war that became known as the “Seven Years’ War” in 1756. During this war England, France and Spain had battles in Cuba, the West Indies, India, and the Philippines as well as North America. The early part of the war the British lost and colonist settlements, crops, farmhouses were burned from New York to Pennsylvania.
C. Pitt Takes Charge William Pitt came to power as secretary of state and then as prime minister and he oversaw the war from London. Pitt decided to pay for the war then after it was over he raised taxes on the Colonist to pay the debt. Pitt also wanted the area of Canada. Pitt sent Jeffery Amherst and James Wolfe to take the areas of Canada and in the south Fort Duquesne was renamed Fort Pitt.
II. The Fall of New France The British had many victories in 1759. They captured the West Indies, Havana Cuba, the French Fleet, and the Heart of New France (Quebec).
A. The Battle of Quebec Thought to be impossible to defeat, Quebec was high on a cliff. James Wolfe sent troops up a path in the night and battled the French on the Plains of Abraham, Wolfe died in battle, but the French surrendered the city. Jeffery Amherst captured Montreal the next year. (last slide 29 Sept
B. The Treaty of Paris Oct. 2 After the French had lost so much the fighting in North America ended with the signing of the Treat of Paris. The Continent was now divide by England and Spain.
III. Trouble on the Frontier After the French had lost, the English didn’t treat the Native Americans the same as the French. Settlers began moving into the Ohio valley.
A. Pontiac’s War Chief of the Ottawa, Pontiac recognized the British settlers would threaten their way of life. An alliance of Natives attacked the British at Detroit. They took several settlements in the area and made several raids along Virginia and Pennsylvania This became known as Pontiac's war.
B. The Proclamation of 1763 To prevent more fighting, Britain called a halt to settlers’ westward expansion. King George III declared the Appalachian Mountains the western border of the colonies. Colonist didn’t like the plan, because speculators had already bought land in the Ohio Valley. This led to future conflicts between England and the colonist.