Juliane Williams Anatomy and Physiology Block 4
What is Vitiligo? It is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes in the skin are destroyed.
Causes The cause is ultimately unknown, but doctors and researchers have numerous theories. People inherit a group of 3 genes which make them susceptible to depigmentation Autoimmune disease ( a disease in which the body’s immune system reacts against the body’s own tissues and organs Myths Sunburn Sudden Emotional Distress
Signs and Symptoms Sudden white patches, mostly on the sun exposed sections of the body. (eyes, lips, legs, arms, feet, hands and face) Other common areas are arm pits, groin, nostrils, genitals, rectum and naval. Patterns Focal- depigmentation limited Segmental- depigmentation occurs on one side of the body Generalized- depigmentation occurs all over the body
Continued…. People may notice gray body hair forming (growing) Dark skinned people often begin with discoloration of the mouth
Treatments, Cures, Prevention Topical Steroids- topical steroid cream that must be applied to epidermis during initial stages of Vitiligo; must be used for at 3 months to see repigmentation Psoralen Photo chemotherapy (PUVA)- seen to be the most effective method to regain pigmentation. However, it is very time consuming. Also known as Ultraviolet therapy. Psoralen is a drug that chemically reacts with ultraviolet light. This method of repigmentation can be used orally, and topically. Side effects may but are rarely severe. Doctor supervision s required.
Bibliography Pictures "Google Images." Google. Web. 07 Feb Information "Vitiligo Treatment, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Signs on MedicineNet.com." Web. 07 Feb Vitiligo. Web. 07 Feb