Joint management in the Kvarken Archipelago Совместное управление памятником Всемирного наследия «Архипелаг Кваркен» Susanna Ollqvist 2009
2 Contents Basic facts about the Kvarken Archipelago The framework for management Trans-boundary site Protective measures Ownership of the site National administration of the site Regional management and co-operation Practical outcomes of joint management a vision commercial logo-type world heritage guides
3 The Kvarken Archipelago – the first World Natural Heritage Site in Finland Area: ha, 85 % sea area Coast line: 2416 km Number of islands: 5600 Inhabitants: 2500 (about in surrounding areas) Water mean depth: 7 m, deepest course 25 m Brackish water: 4-5 ‰ salt content Ice covered: days per year Water flow: m 3 per second (from NE to SW)
4 The framework for management and development in the Kvarken Archipelago It is a trans-boundary World Heritage Site The site includes both protected and non-protected areas 50 % the site is owned by local communities and private persons The landscapes of the Kvarken Archipelago in Finland and the High Coast in Sweden. Photo: Seppo Lammi, 2008 © Photo: The County of Västernorrland, 2000 ©
5 The HIGH COAST/KVARKEN ARCHIPELAGO a transboundary World Natural Heritage Site 1 = Kvarken Archipelago 2 = High Coast S W E D E N F I N L A N D The High Coast is located about 70 km from the Kvarken Archipelago The total size of the HC/KA transboundary site is 336,900 hectares.
6 The protective measures of the site 55 % of the WH-site belongs to nature conservation programmes, for example ha is included in the Natura 2000 network. The whole area is protected by national laws and international agreements, which regulate all activities and safeguard the integrity of geological and biological values.
7 Ownership in the Kvarken Archipelago A nature trail in the heart of the Kvarken Archipelago. A local carpenter builds a bridge for visitors that connects state-owned and privately owned property. Photo Susanna Ollqvist, 2002
8 National adminstration of the High Coast and Kvarken Archipelago FINLAND Ministery of education SWEDEN National Heritage Board County Administrative Board of Västernorrland Metsähallitus/ Natural Heritage Services UNESCO Consultation group Ministery of environment Environmental Protection Agency National World Heritage Committee Kvarken Archipelago World Heritage Steering Committee High Coast Cooperation Committee
9 Regional management and co-operation Kvarken Archipelago World Heritage Steering Committé Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services Marketing working group Korsholm municipalty Land use working group West Finland Regional Environment Centre Information and service facilities working group Metsähallitus Consultation group for HC/KA World Heritage Site Secretariat Metsähallitus The Steering Committee’s tasks are: 1)to approve and monitor the area’s management plan, 2)to maintain communication with the High Coast 3)to promote the site locally, nationally and internationally 4)to decide on the division of labour betweenthe various parties 5)to monitor the area’s geological, ecological, economical and social development
10 Examples of outcomes of joint management in the Kvarken Archipelago 1. A common vision for the Kvarken Arcipelago The work with the vision begun in 2007 with a seminar which was open to the public (100 pers. attended) Working groups created various visions based on the seminar report. The vision is in force until 2020 and it is aimed at all of the operators involved with the WH site. The Kvarken Archipelago, due to its geology and landscape values, is a unique and widely known World Heritage Site which offers its residents a pleasant and attractive living environment as well as genuine experiences for visitors. Photo Patricia Rhodas, 2008 Successful elk-hunting in the stony and shallow waters of the Kvarken Archipelago.
11 Examples of outcomes of joint management in the Kvarken Archipelago 2. A logo and graphical profile for commercial uses have been created for the area in order to improve its visibility and marketing. So far about 40 entrepreneurs uses the logo for promoting there products connected to the WH site; guides, hotels, restaurants, handi-craft, marmelade, fishing nets and so on the Kvarken Archipelgo WH steering committé approves the logo-type agreements according to fixed criterias Our own logo for commercial uses Unescos logo-types are not to be used for commercial purposes
12 Examples of outcomes of joint management in the Kvarken Archipelago 3. Certified World Heritages Guides at your service Photo. Susanna Ollqvist, 2007 Metsähallitus and the Botnia Tourist Organisation has toghether educated and certified 12 kvarken Arcipelago World Heritage Guides Photo Susanna Ollqvist, 2007
Thank you for your interest! Greetings from Mrs Susanna Ollqvist “The Kvarken Archipelago World Heritage Site is a union between UNESCO – globally responsible for our unique natural and cultural heritage – and the local – the innate appreciation that the local residents have built up over generations for the unique aspects of their everyday surroundings. The union can be described with the words: Think globally, act locally!” Executive Director Olav Jern Regional Council of Ostrobothnia