Research Paper What you need: Active Yorba Linda Library card (11/18) Research notes – 5 from each source (hand written) (12/2) Formal subject outline (2 copies) (12/3) Rough draft (w/parenthetical documentation) (12/5) PowerPoint presentation (12/10 by 11:59 pm) Final draft (12/11) Formal works cited page (12/11) Album cover (12/12)
Yorba Linda Library Card (11/18) Go to the library Turn in your application Show a valid ID (Driver’s License or school ID) Get your card Bring it Monday and get your first 5 points of credit Don’t forget to make sure your card is ACTIVE – if you bring it and it is not active, you will not be able to use it and you won’t get your points!
Research Notes (12/2) Next week we will meet in the library (Monday 11/18-Friday 11/22) All notes need to be hand written in your packet Start at (This is for background information ONLY and WILL NOT be a formal source on your paper) Use the sources of as a starting point for your 5 legitimate source for your paper
Research Notes (12/2) Research notes are worth 50 points You need all 5 facts filled in completely for each source and legibly – DON’T BE LAZY! You must be working at all times while we are at the library 50 points will be awarded for the written work as well as your participation during our library time – You mess around, I take off points!
Formal Subject Outline (12/3) You MUST bring your completed research notes to class on 12/2 We will work in class on the outline on 12/2 and you need your notes for this outline! You will go home and TYPE your outline You MUST bring 2 copies of your outline to get credit
A formal outline is a tool used to organize your ideas for your paper – We just did this for “The Crucible” essay! Using the combination of Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, V) and letters (A, B, C, D), you will construct an outline from the note cards that you have created
II: William Shakespeare’s Life A: William Shakespeare’s Early Life i: Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564 (Smith 155).
YOU MUST include the citation after every lowercase Roman numeral! EVERY FACT that you write, whether it is a direct quote or a paraphrase MUST have a citation.
A citation should either include: The author and the page number for books and encyclopedias. EXAMPLE: (Newell 28). The article title if the author’s name is not present. EXAMPLE: (“Shakespeare and His Plays”).
Your research paper may be more than five paragraphs. (Just because there is one Roman numeral in the example, does not mean that you will have just one paragraph.) The more detailed your formal outline is, the easier it will be to write your rough draft. Your formal outline MUST be typed! 2 copies!
Rough Draft (12/5) Typed, 12 pt, double spaced, Time New Roman Include your Works Cited page – Don’t forget this! Points will be deducted! Include parenthetical documentation After each fact you need to include where the fact came from (Collins 12) This will vary depending from which source you got the information Be careful! Don’t copy word for word or you have plagiarized! Your paper MUST be at least 5 pages long including your Works Cited page!
Works Cited Entry Works cited entries should include the following: * Author*Location of Publisher *Title*Publication Date *Publisher *Summary of work *Print or Web
Sample Works Cited Entry Bib Card #1 Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Random House, Print. (Last, First Name. Title. Place: Publisher, Date.)
Works Cited Page EVERY essay must have a Works Cited Page if you are using other people’s ideas, thoughts, and/or works Visit for specific help with formatting your Works Cited Page Use format generators to help you
Mistakes to correct from our last essay! Informal Language – contractions: doesn’t, won’t, wouldn’t, can’t – Leave them out! Proof reading – DO IT! – So many little errors. Slow down. Capitalizations of proper nouns – titles, names of people, names of cities, songs, etc! Songs should have quotation marks around them Citation mistakes – SO MANY – Let’s fix them for the research paper!
Dropped Quotes In this story John Proctor displays many examples of how he has pride. He cares too much about his reputation to expose his affair with Abigail Williams. “Abby, I never give you hope to wait for me.” (Miller 214) He is refusing Abigail so he can avoid having to admit his affair in public.
Leaving out citations Another occasion in which Proctor’s pride is displayed is when Reverend Hale, speaking of Proctor says, “It may well be God damns a liar than he that throws his life away from pride.” When Hale says this, he is referring to Proctor’s refusal to lie....
Incorrect citation format In this story John Proctor displays many examples of how he has pride. He cares too much about his reputation to expose his affair with Abigail Williams. “Abby, I never give you hope to wait for me.” (pg. 214) He is refusing Abigail so he can avoid having to admit his affair in public.