William Shakespeare 2 week unit plan
Day 1 Introduction to Shakespeare and the world he lived in
Day 2 20 question quiz will be given on the previous days topic Begin reading Romeo and Juliet aloud as a class
Day 3 Discuss previous day’s reading as a refresher Continue reading aloud with an additional reading assignment for homework
Day 4 Finish up reading of Romeo and Juliet – if not in class then at home for homework Test tomorrow
Day 5 Test on Romeo and Juliet Alternate ending writing assignment explained – due Monday, day 6
Day 6 Papers turned in Begin watching Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet
Day 7 Groups assigned and project explained End of movie will play as students brainstorm
Day 8 Group filming begins
Day 9 Film editing begins
Day 10 Projects due Every group’s clip will be shown – then voted on who’s deserves the extra credit points