Race Walking How to and what not to do…
Basic Walk Categories Injured runners looking for an alternative to running Experienced runners looking for a new sport that provides greater competitive opportunities Fitness walkers looking to get fitter and faster Non-athletes eager to immediately get off the couch and start a fitness program.
Incorrect Forms 1 st picture: Hunched shoulders 2 nd picture: Leaning back
Correct Form Straight Back One foot in contact with the ground Fore leg straight
Hips, gaining power to go fast you must learn to use your hips correctly body’s primary source of forward motion swinging the hip forward lengthens the stride from the top of the legs while increasing stride length behind the body
Correct Stride
Record Men’s Records 1:21:48 20K (12.4M) 3:48:04 50K (31M) Women’s Records 43: K (6.2M) 1:31:51 20K (12.4M)