The Writing Process Instruction and Planning Social Studies 2nd Grade By: Linda Bennefield
Content Area: Social Studies Mode of Writing : Expository-Biography
Content Area Connection The class has previously read from their social studies book, and the teacher has read a book to the class about Sequoyah. This topic has been studied for several days. The Students will now use this information to write about this historic person in Georgia history.
Georgia Performance Standards For Pre-Writing Stage Social Studies SS2H1 The student will read about and describe the lives of historical figures in Georgia history. a. Identify the contributions made by these historic figures: James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, and Mary Musgrove (founding of Georgia); Sequoyah(development of a Cherokee alphabet); Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights): Jimmy Carter (leadership and human rights).
Georgia Performance Standards 4 Writing 4 ELA2W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student –d. Begins to create graphic features (charts, tables, and graphs). –h. Pre-writes to generate ideas orally. –t. Uses a variety of resources (encyclopedia, Internet, books) to research and share information on a topic.
Plans for instruction 4 Plan lessons based on student characteristics and individual differences 4 Plan lessons to prepare for Georgia 3rd Grade Writing Assessment 4 Discover student interests 4 Write a letter to the family & new teachers (include handwriting sample) 4 Introduce new terms 4 Pre-assessment Activity
Handwriting Sample
Five Steps of the Writing Process 4 Step 1: Prewriting 4 Step 2: Drafting 4 Step 3: Revising 4 Step 4: Editing 4 Step 5: Publishing
Step 1 - Prewriting –a. The purpose of prewriting is to generate ideas and plan strategies –b. About 70% of time should be spent in the prewriting stage –c. Prewriting includes: choosing a topic deciding the mode of writing deciding on a strategy to gather facts and organize them (graphic organizers)
Step 2 - Drafting -a. the purpose of drafting is to get ideas down in complete sentences -b. drafting includes: using the prewriting organizer to write beginning, middle, and end add new ideas keep writing without concern for punctuation, capitalization, or spelling
Step 3 - Revising –a. the purpose of revising is to make changes until your writing makes sense and is interesting –b. Revising includes: adding, deleting or changing using adjectives to make sentences interesting reading what you have written to yourself, a classmate, or the teacher
Step 4 - Editing –a. the purpose of editing is to make corrections to the paper –b. Editing includes: complete sentences capitalization punctuation, spelling indent for a paragraph
Step 5 - Publishing –a. the purpose of publishing is to share the writing –b. publishing includes: write or type the final draft add illustrations read to audience display the final writing
Prewriting –Modeling provide an example of your own prewriting strategy think aloud while sharing, and add to the strategy –Practice use shared pen technique to list facts on chart paper prompt students to include accurate, and important information use words and phrases –Assessment tell students what you expect offer suggestions and support
Write two facts about this person’s childhood. Explain why this person is famous. Write three interesting facts about this person. Graphic Organizer When was this famous person born?
Drafting Modeling –remind students that emphasis is on content –use prewriting ideas to start a rough draft –add ideas to write complete sentences Practice –work with students to write a draft –use phonics skills to spell –give suggestions on ways to add more information Assessment –review instructions for drafting –let students know what is expected of them –provide support and encouragement
Revising Modeling –work with students to revise, ask for suggestions –add, delete, or change/rearrange ideas –read what has been written Practice –circulate among students - encourage, compliment and advise –remind students of procedures –listen to students read revisions Assessment –encourage students to follow steps to revise –answer questions, encourage –listen to students read revisions
Editing Modeling - read the revised draft together; listen and look for errors - demonstrate how to mark errors with colored pen; use proofreading marks Practice - students will work with a partner - students will use proofreading marks & editing checklist - teacher may individually conference with students who need extra support Assessment - students will edit individually - teacher will observe, and give support
Editing Checklist
Proofreading Marks
Publishing Model - demonstrate using edited draft to write a final copy - demonstrate neat writing and no errors - read completed paper to class Practice - work with a partner - use word wall or dictionary to spell - read finished paper to partner Assessment - use corrected copy to type a final copy - illustrate final copy and read to an audience - final writing will be displayed in hall
Plans for Assessment Scoring Guide –can be for teacher and student’s use –ideal scoring guide is a rubric based on Georgia Performance Standards that were used in the lesson
Plans for Grouping –student needs should always be considered –This could include: whole group during modeling - students and teacher can share ideas and information small group or partners during practice - aid classmates, share information, support one another individual grouping during assessment - enable students to apply what they have learned
Modifications/Accommodations –student needs should be considered when planning the lesson –think about class characteristics and then adjust,modify, accommodate –this could include: attention/behavior difficulties non-readers speech/language impairment cultural/linguistic diversity
Post Assessment After publishing and sharing, the papers will be posted in the hallway. Teacher can use these, and compare to pre assessment writing sample. *Look for growth. *Were new skills applied? *Where is additional support needed?