Sometimes this classroom is a real icebox.
What is a metaphor? 100
He swallowed his pride and apologized to the girl.
What is an idiom? 200
Over the hill, under the bridge, through the woods went the train.
What is parallelism? 300
Calling oneself the “greatest student in Caruso history” would be a good example of this.
What is hyperbole? 400
He hated to admit it, but the baby was pretty ugly.
What is an oxymoron? 500
Readers can identify with the conflicts and characters in this genre.
What is realistic fiction? 100
The characters solve a problem using scientific data in this genre.
What is science fiction? 200
A lot of research would be needed to write this fiction genre effectively.
What is historical fiction? 300
This genre revolves around a problem that needs solving.
What is a mystery? 400
This genre takes place in the future at a location that may possibly exist.
What is science fiction? 500
The characters in this genre may solve a problem by using magic or impossible strategies.
100 What is fantasy?
This genre may reveal key incidents or influences in the author’s life.
200 What is an autobiography?
This conflict is unique to science fiction.
300 What is man versus machine?
In this genre, an author might describe how another person affected society or tell stories about his/her life.
400 What is biography?
This “fake clue” might be included in a mystery to distract the reader and make it difficult to solve the problem.
500 What is a “red herring”?
The dialogue of this genre reflects the attitudes and speech patterns of the time period.
100 What is historical fiction?
A mystery MUST provide this- it gives clues or hints at things to come.
200 What is foreshadowing?
Speeches or comedy routines are examples of this genre.
300 What is non-fiction?
This genre could be written in the past or the present.
400 What is mystery or fantasy?
All three of these genres could take place today at a realistic place on earth.
500 What are realistic fiction, mystery and fantasy?
A person, a place, an object, or an action that stands for something outside of itself is called this.
100 What is a symbol?
An author’s attitude toward the subject may be revealed by this.
200 What is tone?
“That story about rabbits is a real hare raiser” shows this literary device.
300 What is a pun?
This literary work, often comic, pokes fun at human practices through irony and wit.
400 What is satire?
The author’s personality and style is apparent in their choice of language by developing this.
500 What is voice?
Writers use these three methods to build suspense in a story.
What are: 1.dangerous action 2. foreshadowing 2.3. pacing